No further accounts have been received to-day from the theatre of war. The last courier who arrived at the Russian Embassy brought the official confirmation of the surrender of Varna; but we are authorized to state, that there was nothing in the despatches to render the account of the taking of Shumla, which has been re- ported, at all probable.
It appears by the last accounts from Oporto, received at the Portuguese Embassy, that the hopes of the Constitutionalists are not extinct. The Guerillas of Tras-os-Montes, in great force, have entered Villa Real, and released the Constitutional prisoners; they have even menaced Oporto. The Governor of that city, in order to check their progress, had sent the 19th Regiment of Infantry, with Artillery, to occupy Carvalho d'Este. The 4th Regiment of Infantry, at Oporto, had shown symptoms of revolt against Don Miguel ; and the Governor, in his head-quarters, finds his best safety in the Police Guards, who are now the Janis- saries of Portugal. It is reported that Count Munster, the Hanoverian Minister, is now in correspondence with the Pope, by order of the Duke of Wellington, for the purpose of getting a concordat on the subject of the Irish Catholics.