A new church has been opened at Leeds this week,
under extraordinary circumstances. The edifice is in the form of a cross: it was to have been called "the Church of the Holy Cross," but the Bishop refused his Consent: it is fitted with a screen, raised altar, sedilia and piscina of carved stone. On the day of consecration, Tuesday, there were two services, and Dr. Pusey preached in the afternoon: two hundred and sixty clergymen, including several prominent Tractarians, attended; all dressed in white surplices. For the six following days there were to be services four times each day.
The Church and State Gazette gives the subjoined list of Oxford converts from the Established Church to the Church of Rome, in addition to twenty- four already reported; and the Gazette says that another secession in the same class may be expected— "Reverend W. F. Wingfield, MA., student, Christ Church; Reverend Frede- rick R. Neve, MA., Oriel; Thomas Meyrick, MA., scholar, Corpus Christi; Reverend Charles H. Collyns, M.A., student, Christ Church, and licensed curate of St. Mary Magdalen, Oxford; Reverend Frederick Oakeley, MA., chaplain fellow of Balliol College, and late of Margaret Street ChapeL"