1 NOVEMBER 1845, Page 11


The Mars, Brooks, from Singapore to Liverpool, was wrecked on a sugar-loaf rock, off the East coast of Bingtang, 29th Aug. and sunk ; crew and passengers saved. The William the Fourth put back to Amoy, dismasted, and has been condemned. The Alpha, from Port Phillip, and the Tobago, from Sydney, were on shore near Launceston, on the 4th June ; and the latter has become a total wreck ; crews and passengers saved. The Royal Consort, bound for London, has been burnt at Calcutta. Aaarvan—At Gravesend, 26th Oct. Princess Royal, Perkins, from Calcutta; 29th, Indian, Pain, from Launceston; and Glasgow, Hlldreth, from Moulmein; 30th, Queen, Hutton ; and Ariel, Douglas, from Singapore. In the Downs, 29th, Buteshire, Currie, from Calcutta. Off Portsmouth, 28th, Arab, Coultas, from Calcutta. Off Salcombe, 27th, ParkSeld, Whiteside, from Sydney. Off Plymouth, 29th, Hortensia, Storey, from the Cape. At Liverpool, 24th, Emma, Hartley. from Singapore; Lintin, Gillman, from Calcutta ; and Mary Sparks, Hubby, from Bombay ; 27th, Anne Mary, Faulkner, from Bombay; 28th. Ann Carr, Wayne, from Sydney ; Felicity, M'Donald, from Singapore ; Llwellyn, Weatherley, from Madras ; and Salem, Milford, from Bombay ; and 29th, Rachel, Scott, from ditto. In the Clyde, 23d, Lochnivar, Mllier, from the Cape ; 25th, Levant, Lane, from Bombay ; and 27th, Argent'', Leitch, from Calcutta. At Colombo, 41h Sept. Semarang, Harvey, from Liverpool ; and Royal Shepherdess, Scott, from Leith. At Madras, 6th Sept. Wellesley, Toiler, from London. At Calcutta, 30th Aug. Colombo, Hellyer, from London ; Queen of England, Pearson, from Liverpool ; and Brooksby, Thomson, from the Clyde; Sept. 5th, Esther, Groom, from Liverpool. At Singa- pore, previous to 6th Sept. John Dugdale, Smith; Inglewood, Smith ; and Antilles, Wil- son, from Liverpool ; Argyle, 11`Pherson ; Ellen, Rodger; and Wilson, Houston, from the Clyde. At Allier, Daniel Grant, Heelis ; and Maria, Sproule, from Liverpool. At Hong-kong, previous to 30th Aug. Mauritius, Simpson ; Helen Stewart, Whitting- Mane ; William Shand, Morrison ; City of Derry, Were ; and Macedon. Redknap, from London; William Mitchell, 31`Lauchlin ; Manila, Lloyd; Alice Brooks, Jackson ; Judith, Philips ; Earl Chester, Blackstone; Livingstone, M`Dougal ; Lady Bute, 31`Kinlay ; Pandora, Cothay ; Bahamian, Hawkins ; Sanderson, Robinson ; Victoria, Hill ; Lament, West ; Saghalien, Jones ; Carthage, Fox ; E. Boustead, Arnold ; Culdee, Campbell ; Druid, Ritchie ; Princess Royal, Sinclair; Patna, Ponsonby ; Mag- gie, Spence; and Syria, Stroyan, from Liverpool. At Macao, 24th June, Airone, Cove- covich, from London. At Sydney, previous to 24th July, Anne, —; Bussorah Mer- chant, Beale; Ganges, M'Donald ; Royal Tar, Glass ; Persian, Grange; Elizabeth and Henry, —; Robert Matthews, —; and Peruvian, —, from London ; Princess Royal, Reed ; and Superior Bell, from Liverpool. At Port Phillip, Rosserdale,

from Liverpool. At Launceston, 28th May, Kinnear, Veale, from London. At Hobart Town, previous to 15th July, Sons of Commerce, Williams ; William Hyde, Steward; Mount Stuart Elphinstone, Rotten ; Theresa, Rain; and Tory, Mills, from London. SAILED—From Gravesend, 28th Oct. Lydford, Stayner, for Bombay; and 30th, Royal Alice, Hopper, for Calcutta. From Liverpool, 25th, Nith, Graham, for Calcutta; 28th, Jeremiah Garnett, Davies; for China ; 29th, Lawrence, Salmon, for Singapore; and Duke of York, Proudfoot, for Calcutta; 30th, William deters, Newby, for China; Or- pheus, Nei/l, for Batavia ; and Janina, Kerr ; and Ellen, Worrell, for Calcutta. From the Clyde, 22d, Coromandel, Fletcher, for Bombay.

SATURDAY MORNING.—AgRIVED—In the DOWISS, 1St NOV., Sterling, May, from Calcutta. At Greenock, 30th Oct., Alexander, —, from Bombay. At Bombay, 230 Sept., Rapid, Downe, from Liverpool. 28th Herculean, Gibson, from Ditto ; and Quentin Leitch, Potter, from the Clyde.

At Madras, 18th Sept. Ellenborough, Close, from London. At Calcutta, 11th Sept., Teldmans, Walker; Harvest Home, Heron ; Lahore, Burt ; and Lismoyne Reels, from Liverpool. Anna Watson, Sterling, from Newport. Scotland, Paul; and Isabella Cooper, Guthrie, from the Clyde ; 12th, Alexandrine, Amman, from Newcastle; Tan- jore, Brown ; and Mary Ridley, Shearer, from I.ondon ; and Bellaire, Webb, from Li- 'Perpool.