On the 21st October, at Rochester, the Lady of Captain Mould, Royal Engineers, of a daughter.
On the 230, at Westover, Isle of Wight, the Lady of the Hon. William a'Court Holmes, 31.1'., of a son. On the 24th, in Gloucester Terrace, Regent's Park, the Hon. Lady Pearson, of a daughter.
On the 24th, in Cavendish Road West, the Lady of Lieutenant-Colonel H. Mitchell, of a daughter.
On the 26th, at Tickhill, the Lady of Lientsnant-Colonel Hill, of a daughter.
On the 27th, in Clarges Street, the Lady Augustus Fitz-Clarence, of a daughter.
On the 27th, in Fitzwilliam Square, Dublin, the Lady of Sir Beresford B. ISIMahon, Bart., of a daughter.
On the 27th, at Godshill, Isle of Wight, the Lady of the Rev. W. L. Girardot of a daughter.
On the 28th, in Devonshire Terrace, Mrs. Charles Dickens, of a son.
On the 30111, In Lowndes Street, Belgrave Square, the Hon. Mrs. Henry Bantle, Of a SOU.
Lately, at either, county Limerick, the Viscountess Guillamore, of a son. MARRIAGES.
On the 6th August, at Victoria Church, Hong-kong, John Pope, Esq., Civil Engineer and Clerk of the Works of that Colony, to Clarissa Rosa, only daughter of Thomas Cobham, Esq., of Ware, Hertfordshire.
On the 12th, at Christ Church, Cawnpore, Andrew Spottiswoode, Esq., Captain Ninth Queen's Royal Lancers, to Jane Emily, youngest daughter of Colonel Campbell, C.B. and K.H., Commanding the Queen's Royal Lancers.
On the 21st October, at St. James's, Hyde Park, Linton Hughes, Rag , to Mary, eldeit daughter of the late Sir David Charles Reese.
On the 21st, at Millbank, Arbroath, George Khdoch, Esq., of Kinloch, to Margaret, only child of George Corning, Esq., Arbroath. On the 230, John, fifth son of the late Joshua Scholefield, Esq., M.P., to Caroline Sophia, eldest daughter of James Shaw, Req., Park Grove, Edgbaston. On the 25th, in Taney Church, near Dublin, Thomas Rice Henn, Esq., barrister-at- law, second son of W. Henn, Esq., Master in Chancel'', to Jane Isabella, second- daughter of the Right lion. Francis Blackburne, Master of the Rolls for Ireland.
On the 28th, at Colgrove, Captain Edward Holland, R.N., to Mary Pierrepont, dames.. ter of Robert Warren, Esq., late Captain of the Fourth or Royal Irish Dragoon Guards,
On the 29th, at Norington Church, the Rev. John Charles Ryle, Rector of Relining- ham, Suffolk, to Matilda Charlotte Louisa, youngest daughter of John P. Plumptre, Eaq., 3f.P., of Fredville, Kent.
On the 30th, at St. Paul's, Deptford, R. Henry Poland, Esq., of Blackheath, eldeSt- son of Sir William Henry Poland, to Harriet, eldest daughter of John Allan, Esq., of Loarupit Hill, Deptford.
On the 30th April, at Auckland, New Zealand, Captain George Augustus Bennett.. Commanding the Royal Engineers in that colony ; in his 38th year.
On the 31st August, at Kamptee, in the East Indies, Augustus John Curtis, Esq.. Lieutenant in the Seventh Regiment of Madras Cavalry, fourth son of Sir William' Curtis, Bart.; in his 31st year.
On the 7th September, at Bombay, Lieutenant Anthony Charles Lambert Romer„ Bombay Horse Artillery, youngest son of Lieutenant-Colonel Romer, Royal Artillery. On the 17th October, at Prior Park, near Bath, the Right Rev. C. H. Beggs, D.D„ Roman Catholic Bishop of the Western District in England. On the 18th, at Norfolks, Clare, Thomas Seymour Hyde, Esq., Maier in the North- amptonshire Reg:ment of Militia, Assistant-Master and Marshal of the Ceremonlea In the Queen's Household ; in his 75th year. On the 19th, at Aix-la-Chapelle, Lieutenant-Colonel Henry William Hodges, of the Madras Army, and late Private Secretary to his Excellency Sir Frederick Adam, K.C.B.
On the 25th, at Hastings, Mary Louisa, the Wife of T. G. Symons, Esq., of mynas Park, Herefordshire ; in her 25th year. On the 25th, Mary, the Wife of W. K. Reid, of Bream's Braidings and Claremord Square
On the 26th, in Portman Square, Lady Strafford, Wife of Gen. Lord Strafford, G.C.B. On th3 27th, at Heatham Lodge, Twickenham, Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Willlartt Espinasse, late of the Fourth, or King's Own Regiment; in his 35th year. On the 28th, at Brighton, Sir Matthew Tierney, Bart., M.D. ; in his 69th year.
On the 30th, in Hamilton Place, Piccadilly, Henry James Lord Montage; in his 68th year. On the 30th, in Upper Berkeley Street, Portman Square, John Hancock Hall, Esq. Barrister-at-Law, and one of her Majesty's Commissioners in Lunacy, eldest son of the Rev. John Hancock Hall, of Risley Hall, Derbyshire.