Tuesday, October 281 PARTNERSHIPS Dmaotven.-Gralittai and Hedley, Llierpool„, mustard-roam- factarers-BinVons and. Co. Manchester, tea-dealers: as far aa regards J. Hunter • and G. E. Fox-Binyons and-Hunter, Manchester, tea-dealers ; as far' as regards J. linnter-W. and Thompson, Mottram, Cheshire, woollen-cloth-finishers-W. and EL.Hatnmond, Canterhury..carriers-Hodson and Wilson, Bread Street, Cheap-- side,, colour-merchants-Graves and Bellamy, Bath, attornies - Wrettrall and, Brooke, Tottenham Greve, Kingsland, prinung-ink.antutufacturers-Worsant• mad Hortulan.Place, King's Road, Chelsea, engineers-Owners of Burnhope Colliery; ,Darbam; as fares regards B. Itobson-Schmidt- and Co, Manchester, merchants; as far as regards W. F. 'Upon-Pilling and Co. Haslingden, Lancashire, cotton- manufacturers ; as far as regards G. Hoyle jun.-Barker and Co. Otley, machine- makers-Lodge and Son, Leeds, tow-spinners-Matthew and Cole, Liverpool Street, Bi3h0Pette, surveyors-Stanton and Sons, Cannon Street, tea-dealers-Turner and Billson, Mark Lane, coffee-dealers-Birks and Jowitt, Huddersfield. tea-dealers- Union Bank of Scotland, the Western Bank of Scotland, and the National Bank of Scotland ; as far as regards James Miller.
BArraseercr AioruLLED.-THOMAS Fianna, Gower Street, pianoforte-manu- facturer.
TLINKRIIFTS.-HENRY PAMMENT, Penton Street, Pentonville, cheesemonger to surrender Nov. 6, Dec. 4: solicitors, Lawrence and Co. Frederick's Place ; official assignee. Johnson, Basinghall Street - JAB= GRIMBLE, Sydney Square, White- chapel, builder, Nov. 11, Dec. 11: solicitors, Lawrence and Co. Frederick's Place ; official assignee, Johnson, Basinghall Street-Cass:Les WALKER, Basinghall Street, woollen-cloth-manufacturer, Nov. 4, Dec. 4: solicitors, Linklaters, Sise Lane ; official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street Buildings-Tames COMPERE, Aylesford, Kent, paper- maker, Nov. 11, Dec. 9: solicitors, Wilson and Blackman, Gray's Inn ; Monckton, Maidstone ; official assignee, Groom, Abchurch Lane-Jolts: Crrrs, Wolverhampton. grocer, Nov. 6, 27: solicitors, Motteram and Co. Birmingham ; Walker, Wolver- hampton; official assignee, Whitmore, Birmingham-Joule JoRxsozr, Wolston, Warwickshire, coal-dealer, Nov. 10, 29: solicitors, Motteram and Co. Birmingham ; official assignee, Bittleston, Birmingham-SADusi. Sierra BIICENOLE, Castle Cary. Somersetshire, draper, Nov. 11, Dec. 9: solicitors, Whittington and Gribble, Bristol; official assignee, Miller, Bristol-Greene and SyLvArres Pim, Birkenhead, mer- chants, Nov. 6, Dec. 5: solicitors, Harvey and Co. Liverpool; official assignee, Bird, Liverpool-JOHN !Warne and Witrassi Invian, Liverpool, shipwrights, Nov. 6, Dec. 5: solicitor, Wheeler, Liverpool; official assignee, Turner, Liverpool - SANIIIEL MAYOR, Liverpool, ship-chandler, Nov. 6, Dec. 5: solicitor. Pemberton, Liverpool; official assignee, Turner, Liverpool - JOSEPH &RITE, Altrincham, Cheshire, joiner, Nov. 7, 28: solicitor, Strike, Manchester; official assignee, Lee, Manchester. DIVIDENDS.-Nov. 18, Pincher, Ivy Bridge, Devonshire, paper-manufacturer-Nov. 18, Mountford, Greenwich, stationer-Nov. 18, Johnson, Leeds, spindle-maker- Nov. 20, Lawton, Liverpool, auctioneer-Nov. 18, Amey, Liverpool, ship-broker- Nov. 19, G. and J. Rigby, Liverpool, coal-merchants-Nov. 19, Rawson, Market Rosen, cake-merchant.
CERTIFICATES.- 7b be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of ,netting.-Nov. 19, Murray, Gresham Street, woollen-warehousman-Nov.18, Hanson, Kensington Canal-basin, statuary-Nov. 18, Boyd, Spital Square, silk-manufacturer -Nov. 20, Ballston, Wheelock, Cheshire, grocer. DECLARATIONS OF DIVIDENDS.-Grayson, Mortlake, market-gardener; first div. of 4s. Thursday next, and three subsequent Thursdays; Graham, Coleman Street-Cop- land, Union Street, Whitechapel; second div. of Li. 3d. Thursday next, and three subsequent Thursdays; Graham, Coleman Street-Tarrant, High Holborn, book- binder ; first div. of Is. 4d. Thursdaynext, and three subsequent Thursdays ; Graham, Coleman Street-Burrows, Park Street, Islington, surgeon ; first div. of 3s. Thurs- day next, and three subsequent Thursdays ; Graham, Coleman Street-Baker, South- ampton ; third div. of 5d. Nov. 3, and two subsequent Mondays ; Canaan, Alderman- bury-Thomas, Ibstock, draper; first div. of 28. 4d. any Thursday ; Christie, Bir- mingham-Farrow, Hull, coal-merchant ; first div. of Is. 6d. Oct. 28, or any subse- quent Tuesday ; Carrick, Hull-Lister, Lincoln, flour-dealer; second and final div.
of 1.d Oct. 28, or any subsequent Tuesday* Carrick, Hull.
&arca SEIIESTRATION8.-WDonald, 'Thurso, carpenter, Nov. 3, 24-Anderson and Son, Leith, merchants, Oct. 31, Noy. 21-Patience, Cromarty, fish-curer, Nov. 3, 24.
Friday, October 31.
Passes naps DissoLvED.-Cowley, Brothers, Bradley, boiler-makers-J. and It. Oxley, Frome Selwood, coopers-Adams and Co. Kingsland Road, mattress-makers, -Nye and Rowley, Park Road, Old Kent Road, machinists-Smith and Walton- Congleton, coach-builders-Marsden and Drummond, Bradford, Yorkshire, stuff manufacturers-Hoare and Co. Devonshire Street, Portland Place, grocers-ste phenson and Co. coal-works, Clay Cross, Derbyshire ; as far as regards R. Stephen son J. Sanders, G. Hudson, and W. Claxton-Davis and M'Kinlay, Whitecbapel Road, congreve-manufacturers -Dunn and Co. Liverpool-Wilson and Co. George Court, Piccadilly, printers; as far as regards E. Wilson-H. AL and M. A. Hum- phries, Bath, milliners-La Guerrande and Stanley, Manchester, ale-dealers-Wilkie and Moir, Nottingham, lace-designers-Middleton and Son, Liverpool, merchants- Wardle and Robinson, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, brick-makers-Noirsain and Co. Re- gent Street, patent-stove-manufacturers-J. and H. Teesdale, Gracechurch Street, tea-dealers-Hardman and Co. Manchester, tailors-Dudgeou and Co. Liverpool, merchants ; as far as regards C. P. Dickson-Rayner and Co. Milk Street-Johnson and Suffield, Birmingham, printers-Toms and Co. East India Chambers, commis- sion-agents-Slater and Co. Blanchester, lace-dealers-Rapp and Coulon, Crosby Square, merchants-Bassano, Brothers, High Street, Stepney, grocers-Walter and Gough, manufacturers of the patent kamptulicon material-Porter and Harrison, Bristol, bone-dealers--Stuart and Co. Liverpool, fish-factors ; as far as regards W. F. Stuart-Chew and Co. Leicester, grocers-Pfeil and Co. Broad Street, Blooms- bury. ironmongers; as far as regards A. L. Pfeil-Webb and Baylis, Birmingham, saddlers'-ironmongers -W. and C. Kent, Saddleworth, drapers. BANKEnPrs.-BENJAMIN WYON, Regent Street, engraver, to surrender Nov. 11, Dec. 9: solicitor, Shirreff, Lincoln's Inn Fields; official assignee, Groom, Abchurch Lane-Camino HENRY REYNOLDS and Ciliates Warr, Coruhill, outfitters, Nov. 13, Dec. 11 : solicitors, Messrs. Linklaters, Sise Lane ; official assignee, Groom, Ab- church Lane-JAmEs THOMAS Coma-nazi) junior and Wri.m.Am DYER, Lombard Street, Southwark, white-lead-makers, Nov. 11, Dec. 11: solicitors, Wilkinson and Co. Nicholas Lane ; official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street Buildings-Jolla FAIR- VIEW/HER, Brighton, cowkeeper, Nov. 4, Dec. 1: solicitors, Sowton, Great James Street, Bedford Row; Kennett, Brighton; official assignee, Johnson, Basinghall Street-PRnecE JAMES TIME, Tottenham, draper, Nov. 6, Dec. 11: solicitors, Mar- dan and Prichard, Christchurch Chambers, Newgate Street ; official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street Buildings-CDAntEs STUART VOULFS, New Windsor, scrivener, Nov. 13, Dec. 9 : solicitors, Linklaters, Sise Lane ; official assignee, Johnson, Basinghall Street -WiLLIAR JONES, Castle Street, Finsbury, cabinet-maker, Nov.13, Dec. 9: soli- citors, Wright and Bonner, New London Street ; official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street Buildings-EDWARD CHURTON, Holies Street, bookseller, Nov. 11. Dec. 18: solici- tors, Linklaters, Sise Lane ; official assignee, Johnson, Basinghall Street-WiLmAn BArsoN, Birmingham, iron-manufacturer, Nov. 12, Dec. 2: solicitors, Motteram and Co. Birmingham ; official assignee, Christie, Birmingham-Joust Joirirsorz, Wol- ston, Warwickshire, coal-dealer, Nov. 10, 29 : solicitors, Motteram and Co. Birming- ham; Browett, Coventry; official assignee, Bittleston, Birmingham-Joan MABERLY BANPIELD and JOHN LEWIS, Devonport, wine-merchants, Nov. 11, Dec. 2: solicitors, Warden, Bardon, Taunton ; Stogdon, Exeter; official assignee, Hernaman, Exeter- Jamas TORDOFF, Pudsey, Yorkshire, woollen-cloth-manufacturer, Nov. 18, Dec. 8: solicitors, Ward and Son, and Granger, Leeds ; official assignee, Hope, Leeds- THOMAS WILSON, Lancliffe, Yorkshire, draper, Nov. 17, Dec. 9: solicitors, Pearson, Kirkby Lonsdale ; Payne and Co. Leeds; official assignee, Hope, Leeds--JosEen Thomson ODDIE WILSON, Burton-in-Lonsdale, Yorkshire, draper, Nov. 17, Dec. 9: solicitors, Pearson, Kirkby Lonsdale ; Payne and Co. Leeds ; official assignee, Hope, Leeds-CHARLES READ, Great Grimsby, wine-merchant, Nov. 26, Dec. 17 : solicitor, Veal, Great Grimsby; official assignee, Carrick, Hull-Tawea.s and JOHN TUCKER, Liverpool, ship-builders, Nov. 17, Dec. 8: solicitor, Pemberton, Liverpool; official assignee, Morgan, Liverpool-JOSEPH and THOMAS DAY, Macclesfield, silk- manufacturers, Nov. 13, Dec. 5: solicitor, Norris, Macclesfield ; official assignee, Mackenzie, Manchester.
Drvinestns.-Nov. 21, Holman, Bath, draper-Nov. 21, Chaplin, Sudbury, printer -Nov. 21, Marshall, Plymouth, draper-Nov. 21, Arliss and Tucker, Frith Street, Soho Square, printers-ZNov. 21, Ellis, Rotherhithe Wall, ironmonger-Nov. 24, France, -Lambeth Walk, clothier-Nov. 24, Barlow, Stepney Green, iron-merchant- Nov. 24, Shipley, Market Row, Oxford Market, corn-dealer-Nov. 22, Teesdale and Toulson, Westminster Bridge Road, furnishing-warehousemen-Nov. 22, Searle, Tyndale Place, Islington, apothecary-Nov. 22, Whitmore, Hackney, draper--Nov. 22, Sheppard, Norwich, commission-agent-Nov. 22, Dowson, Oxford Street, iron- monger-Nov. 22, Buttrey, Woolwich, victualler-Nov. 22, Scarfe, Bull Street, City Road, timber-merchant-Nov. 22, Moores junior, Aylesbury, draper-Nov. 22, Syser, Fakenham, grocer-Nov. 22, Knightly, Paul Street, Finsbury, carpenter-Nov. 22, A. 8. and G. S. Breess, Aylesham, Norfolk, ironmongers-Nov. 21, Assbeton, Liver- pool, merchant-Nov. 21, Guthrie and Cook, Liverpool, merchants-Nov. 21, Rus- sell, Liverpool, merchant-Nov. 24, Coates, Birmingham, draper.
CERTIFICATES.-7b be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of nseeting.-Nov. 24, Spashett, Barking, mast-maker-Nov. 21, Acres, Braughing, Hertfordshire, innkeeper-Nov. 21, Cannock jun. Kent Terrace, Camden Town, tobacconist-Nov. 24, Thomas, Shrewsbury, grocer-Nov. 24, Gittins, Hanley, Staf- fordshire, grocer.
DECLARATIONS OP DIVIDINDIL-Barrett, Hornastle, engineer ; first div. of 2s. 6d. Nov. 4, or any subsequent Tuesday; Carrick, Hull-Isherwood, Hull, woollen.. draper; first div. of 48. 6d. Nov. 4, or any subsequent Tuesday; Carrick, Hun_ Greenshields and Strang, Liverpool, merchants ; div. of 4a. on new proofs, on ac- count of first div. of 5.1. Nov. 5, or any subsequent Wednesday; Morgan, Live, pool-Owen, Welchpool, flannel-manufacturer ; div. of la. 31d. Nov. 5, or any subse- quent Wednesday; Morgan, Liverpool-Bowes, Liverpool, ale-dealer; first div of 101d. Nov. 5, or any subsequent Wednesday; Morgan, Liverpool-Alletson, Liver- pool, and Boughton, Cheshire, drysalter ; second div. of 40 and first div. of 4d, on new proofs, Nov. 5, or any subsequent Wednesday; Morgan, Liverpool-Doug- las, Manchester, draper ; first div. of 3a. 4d. any Tuesday ; Mackenzie, Manchester - Sharpies sen. Daisey Field, Blackburn, cotton-spinner ; div. of 63. fild. any Tuesday ; Mackenzie, Manchester-Ludlam, Melton Mowbray, Wesleyan minister; first div. of la. 11d. any Thursday; Whitmore, Birmingham-Boycot, Kidderminster; draper ; second div. of 91d. any Thursday ; Whitmore, Birmingham. SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS.-RilgOUI, Edinburgh, hasher, Nov. 7, 28-Milne, Aber- deen, spirit-dealer, Nov. 8, 29-Cassels, Carluke, Lanarkshire, farmer, Nov. 5, 26- Beveridge, Edinburgh, hosier, Nov. 5, Dec. 3.