It is stated that the Bishop of Worcester has resigned,
and that the See has been offered to the Dean of Peterborough, a learned Hebrew scholar, who has lately shown his wish to assert the comprehensiveness of the Church of England, even in favour of those High Church views of the Ornaments Rubric with which he himself does not agree. Dr. Perowne's proposal to recognise two quite different interpretations of the Ornaments Rubric, and to postpone altogether for the present any attempt to decide between them, has always seemed to us a wise and reasonable solution of a difficulty which threatens the Church with a very serious split,—perhaps the only solution of which there is any reasonable hope, unless, indeed, the Archbishop of Canterbury (whose judgment in the Bishop of Lincoln's case is, we regret to see, postponed by a very severe domestic affliction) should pass a judgment in Bishop King's case which the Court of Appeal can find some good excuse to confirm. In the meantime, we are very glad to see the disposition to promote to the Bench a learned man of very liberal spirit, and who shows that liberal spirit towards a school of High Churchmen very widely diverging from his own.