The Quiver. (Cassell and Co.)—The Quiver, which, unless we are
mistaken, has enlarged its borders since the appearance of its last annual issue, is as varied in interest as usual. There are five serial stories, one of them by Mrs. L. T. Meade, with the title of " In the Second Place," and a good specimen of her work ; another, " Worthy to be Loved," by Miss E. Neal ; and a third, " The Heart of Thomas Titt," by the Rev. P. B. Power (but why caricatured names, as "Augustus Roundabout Swellingford " ?). A series of instructive and interesting paragraphs, under the heading of " Short Arrows," may be specially commended. The illustrations are almost uniformly good. This is a strong point with the Quiver, which is, indeed, an admirably conducted magazine.