The Light Princess, and other Fairy - Stories. By George Mac- Donald.
(Blackie and Son.)—The three stories in this volume- The Light Princess, and other Fairy-Stories. By George Mac- Donald. (Blackie and Son.)—The three stories in this volume- " The Light Princess," "The Giant's Heart," and "The Golden Key "—were published originally more than twenty years ago. We are glad to see them again. We do not know any one who can accomplish the very difficult task of writing a new fairy-story better than can Dr. George MacDonald. He has what may be called a particularly "light hand" for this kind of work. He has fancy and humour just of the right kind, and is not perpetually making " asides " for the grown-up while he is pretending to be talking to the children. The " Light Princess " is quite admirable. The wicked fairy, who has been missed, as usual, out of the christening invitations, robs the poor child of her gravity. Hence spring unnumbered woes.