[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR ,—I enclose a copy of a correspondence between Lord Northcliffe and myself, which I hope you will be able to publish.— I am, Sir, &c., BEDFORD. Bedford Office, Montague Street, Russell Square, W.C. 1.
" Woburn Abbey,
October 23rd, 1919. DEAR LORD NORTHCLIFFE,—At the present moment discussion an the problem of housing is again occupying a prominent place in the Daily Mail. In connection with this question, which is becoming more and more urgent, I beg to remind you that in the Daily Mail of August 29th last a leading article appeared condemning certain cottages built by me before the war. The article seems to have been founded upon a remark made by a member of the Housing Committee of the Rural District Council of Eaton Bray, who is reported to have suggested during a discussion on cottage building that ' the example of the Duke of Bedford should be followed, and cottages built without front doors, because they looked neater,' and he added as a happy thought, thereby raising a laugh, ' they save a lot of gossip.'
In cottage planning the question of one or more doors has nothing to do with promoting or checking the flow of conversation on the doorsteps outside. The suggestion 'saving a lot of gossip' was a harmless joke made by a Rural District Councillor. But the plan has everything to do with increasing the size, and adding to the comfort, of the rooms inside the house, by including in them all the space needed for a door and lobby, as well as by diminishing draughts and decreasing damp. Unless the front door opens directly into the living room, which is most objectionable, it is necessary. to have a passage, which increases the size of the house without increasing the size of the rooms. The plan of a single entrance door saves 2,250 cubic feet in area, representing in cost of construction at pre-war rates £50 per cottage, and at present rates more than £100 per cottage. The question of cost comes into prominence if economic rents are considered. By the term economic rent I mean a rent which represents some return, and not a dead loss, on the capital cost of building at the market value of money. For instance, at the present rate of 5 per cent. every additional £100 cost adds 2s. to the rent weekly. It is doubtful whether, every occupier would think a second entrance door worth an additional rent of 2s. a week.
The Daily Mail failed to see these obvious points and wrote as follows in their leading article : In the free atmosphere of to-day the Woburn model seems merely an interesting heirloom—it does not live.' I do not for a moment claim that the cottages in question cannot be improved upon, but I am ready and anxious to challenge a comparison between the plan, cost of construction, and rent of my cottages, which you have held up to public execration, and the type of dwelling which has been selected for housing labour on your Lordship's estate. The contrast between cottages built as a result of the practical experience of several generations, all interested in cottage building, and those on a new and up-to-date estate, unblighted by tradition, and by the heirloom taint, so objectionable to the Daily Mail, cannot fail to be a useful contribution to the discussion which is now taking place oa
Rural Housing.—Yours faithfully, (Signed) BEDFORD."
DEAR DUKE or BEDFORD Your letter has been forwarded to me.
Owing to a long enforced absence in Scotland I had not seen the article of August 29th. I do not agree with tho writer thereof, and the national reputation of the Woburn Estate should have rendered unnecessary a criticism based upon a humorous remark made at a Rural District Council meeting.
I am not, as you appear to think, a man of broad acres, but I shall be glad if you will come and see my small property here, and am quite willing to abide by your verdict as to its comparative merits. Please let me say how sorry I am that an unjust reflection should have appeared in any of my newspapers, and pray make any use you like of this letter.—Yours faithfully,
DEAR LORD NOR THCLIFFE,—I am much obliged for your letter of October 26th. I am glad to find that you are not in agreement with the article which appeared in the Daily Mail of August 29th last. The suggestion contained in my letter to you of October 23rd was a comparison of plans, cost, and rent, thus contrasting the merits of my plan of one entrance door, which had been condemned, with the system adopted on your Lordship's estate, the comparison to be made in the interests of cottage building. I beg to thank you for your kind invitation to come and see the cottages which you have built on your estate, but now it is hardly necessary for IH to trespass on your kindness to such an extent.
The Daily Mail, misled by the facetious remark of a Rural District Councillor, referred to me as follows : In the free atmosphere of to-day the Woburn model seems merely an interesting heirloom—it does not live, and if the ducal mind does not enlarge itself on the subject of front doors it is speeding to collapse.'
I thank you for your kind expression of regret that this reflection should have been made. But so long as it stands without contradiction it is detrimental to my reputation as a landlord. I therefore beg to quote the report of the Medical Officer of Health for last year. In dealing with the scourge of Tuberculosis he writes as follows : Other factors are necessary to prevent the spread and outbreak of this disease, viz., more ample bedroom space, drier walls and lighter dwellings. These factors have been splendidly attended to in the roomy and substantial cottages on the Woburn Estate': and again in reference to the housing of the working classes and the need for more and better cottages : The housing in the areas covered by the Woburn and Wrest Park Estates is on the whole extremely good and very little fault can be found with it.'
As your Lordship kindly gives me leave to make use of your letter I propose to publish the correspondence.—Yours faith
fully, (Signed) BEDFORD."
Lit was an extraordinary error to make the Duke of Bedford—notoriously one of the best landlords and best cottage builders in the kingdom—the object of scornful criticism in any discussion on cottages. But Lord Northcliffe acknowledges the error, and we are glad to publish this correspondence, quite apart from its pleasing justification of the Duke of Bedford, because it is an interesting contribution to the housing problem.—En. Spectator.]