(To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") SIR,—The Executive Committee of the National Trust for Places of Historic Interest or Natural Beauty has the pleasure to announce that, through the generosity of Messrs. C. and J. Clark, Ltd., of Street, Somerset, a tract of beautiful woodland has just been vested in the Trust, and thus preserved for ever for the benefit of the nation. Ivythorn Hill and Wood, overlooking Street, Somerset, comprising about 46 acres of land,and commanding extensive views, was purchased by Messrs. C. and J. Clark, Ltd., boot and shoe manufacturers, and presented to the National Trust, with a view to preserving its beauties and safeguarding for the use of the public and the inhabitants of the neighbourhood (and more particularly their own employees) access to the open hill with permanent enjoyment of the beautiful views. The Committee of the Trust cordially appreciates the public spirit and generosity of Messrs. Clark in making the gift.—Lam, Sir, &c., 25 Victoria Street, S.W. 1. S. H. Rem, Secretary.