A Hundred Years Ago
TUE " SPELTATGIS;' °GIGUE'S 30m, 18311.
The Monarch of Great Britain can never be contemplated without respect and reverence ; to these the high office of dignity that be fills has a claim which we believe no man in his dominions has the most distant wish to deny. But though power may compel homage, it cannot purchase love—that is a feeling to be excited not by the throne, but by the. amiability of its occupant. To those who look with an eye of fear to the tossing of the political ocean abroad, and who think they feel something that indicates a groundswell at hone•, it must be a source of great and abiding satisfaction that the per- sonal character of the present King is of so popular and conciliatory a kind, as not only to take from restless spirits all hope, but all desire of disturbing the quiet and safety of his reign.
" At Ash, where several tumultuous assemblages have already taken place, the labouring men have struck, determined that no married matt shall go to work unless he receives half-a-crown a day for his labour. Some of the farmers have resisted with prudential firmness ; but they have been informed that unless they comply their ploughs will be destroyed." No fewer than three-end-thirty rioters were conveyed to St. Augustine's gaol on Tuesday, by the military and constables. Most of them appeared determiner', resolute fellows. The rick-yard at Selley Court, belonging to Mr. Neame, steward to Lord Sondes, was burnt down on Tuesday afternoon. Combustible matter was, it is said, discovered at the barn doors. There is a rumour that the incendiaries are encouraged by persons of superior rank ; but this, we believe, is a mere Caney.
The wieners in the factory of Messrs. liindley and Hyde. of Dukinfield, mere lads, the eldest of whom probably does not much exceed fourteen years of age, a few days ago struck for an advance of wages. We are informed they engaged a room at a public-house, summoned a general meeting of their body, appointed a ehainitan, and made speeches. all in form in the moving and seconding ol resolutions and amendments.