Sm,—May I commend to all humane persons the suggestion of Madame de Marcellus that refugee children should be evacuated from all European countries to the U.S.A. or to the Dominions? In the first place we cannot blockade Germany successfully without causing terrible suffering to all the populations under German domination and, while there can be no remedy for that unless Hitler will withdraw from them, we must do what we can to alleviate the suffering of those who cannot be held responsible for the situation in which they find themselves ; secondly while grown-ups may recover completely from a period of malnutrition we now know that children under a certain age will be disabled to some extent for life if they do not receive adequate nutrition ; lastly is there any better way in which we can prove to ourselves and to the world that we really stand for a better order of things than the Nazis, and, if we really mean what we say when we talk of our intention to build a better Europe, could we find a better foundation than this, that these children should enjoy the freedom and hospitality of really democratic countries? Who will help us to save the children of Europe for a
better world?—Yours very truly, ENID ATKINSON. 206 Osborne Road, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 2.