Sia,—Tlsc Spectator of October 25 refers to 'the atti- tude of the Greek Government in supporting the Syrian charges against Turkey' (page 532). This was probably suggested by a report that appeared re- cently in one British paper to the effect that 'Greece was pledging its support to Syria in an event of a Turkish attack.' May I remark for the sake of accuracy that there has been no utterance official or unofficial in Greece or from any Greek official
abroad which could be construed to indicate such an attitude?—Yours faithfully, M. COSMETATOS Minister Plenipotentiary and Director of the Information Office Royal Greek Embassy, 34 Hyde Park Square, W2
[On October 28, in a speech to the General Assem- bly of UN, M. Stratos, the Greek delegate, alleged that the Syrian complaint against Turkey was being drowned and said he would vote for a commission of investigation or any other proposal acceptable to Syria. He concluded with a declaration of neutralist principle, while the intensity of his anti-Turkish feel- ing surprised delegates in view of the fact that some Arab delegations themselves were remaining silent.— Editor, Spectator.]