Crossword 1402
1 Terrible chap with an eradicator is brought to book (7)
5 Paper dress? (7)
9 Watch lacking canine is not enough for a poet (5)
10 No use asking Orinda for a light! (9) 11 Resolved to discover what is wanting about a Bible version (6) 12 Corrects the modest on two points (7) 14 As they say, singularly enough, in France (2,3) 15 It lacks finish (9) 18 Aspirations of any singer (9) 20 No admission to Chaldean city? (5) 22 Sniper with financial interests abroad perhaps (8) 24 'And all that beauty, all that - e'er gave' (Gray) (6)
26 All my dice are well
shaken in the Aesculapian sense (9)
27 Noted bolero-maker (5)
28 Play marks on the grass seem untidy but aren't (7)
29 Rumours that the old thing is full of drink (7)
I Dr Grantly in conservative ambience has a list (9)
2 Gallic winged messenger with revolutionary trend inspired wrath (7) 3 Not like the work of a whole-hearted consumer! (4-5) 4 Highbury heroine (4) 5 Thin protection for hands and figures, let's face it (5-5) 6 One doubtful one, on the short side, among three shots (5) 7 Check before publication (7) 8 'Gone with the wind, Flung -' (Dow- son) (5) 13 Roundabouts without Calliope (10) 16 A long run for Cinderella's coach! (9) 17 Wants to get round putter's objective in ancient chalk hollows (4-5) 19 Where to find a seaman on the crest (7) 21 Simon provides the cash in Venezuela (7) 22 Puccini's heroine reaches a hundred, not really! (5) 23 Old wear for the footlights? (5) 25 Colourful type inclined to be weedy (4) Solution next week.
Solution to Crossword 1401. Across: 1 Counter- poise 9 Amplitude 10 Amber II Turkey 12 Antennae 13 Rights 15 Stagnant 18 Overlaps 19 Editor 21 Pontoons 23 Fillip 26 Acres 27 Longerons 28 Sliding scale. Down: 1 Chatter 2 Upper 3 Tridental 4 Rout 5 Open note 6 Spade 7 Serpent 8 Abundant 14 Gleaners 16 Giddiness 17 Spangled 18 Orphans 20 Riposte 22 Ousel 24 Loofa 25 Anon.