1 OCTOBER 1842, Page 21






(Closing Prices.) Tuesday.




3 per Cent. Consols 924 921 921 921 921 921 Ditto for Account 3 per Cents. Reduced 34 per Cents Reduced 93 shut shut 921


921 931 921 New 3/ per Cents Long Annuities

Bank Stock. 7 per cent

1001 shut shut 1001


1001 1001 100; India Stock. 101

248 249 249 249 Exchequer Bills. 24. per diem 50 pm. 49 51 49 48


India Bonds, 31. per cent

36 pm. 38 37 36 36

(Last Official Quotation Alabama (Sterling) 5 1" CI. Arkansas (1863) 6 - FOREIG during the - - N FUNDS.

Week ending Friday Evening.)

I Ditto 5 p. Ct, (Deferred) 5 - tinDrr

as at

Austrian 5 - - ; Michigan 6 -

Belgian 5 -- 1 03 at ippi (Sterling) ...6 -

Brazilian 5


1 Neapolitan 5 --


100/ Buenos Ayres 6 201 ■ New York (1855) 5 -


Cuba 6 - I 6 - , Ohio

Chiliau 6 -- 88 I Pennsylvania 5 -

Columbian of 1824 6 - 244 ;Peruvian 6 161 Dautsh 3 - 841 I Portuguase 3 - 21/ Dutch (Ex 12 Guilders) .21 - Ditto (Ditto) 5 -


Dpiitttoto 5 - (New) 5 - 584 35/ French 3 - ' Russian 5 - 1121 Ditto 5 - Spanish 5 - 151 Indiana (Sterling) 5 - Ditto (Passive)

Illinois 6 - Ditto (Deferred) 9/ Kentucky 6 - i South Citroliva 5 p. Ct. 721 Louisiana (Sterling) ....5 - ; Tennessee 6 -

Maryland 6 - United States Bank


Massachussetts (Sterliug)5 -

!Virginia 5 -


(Lust Official Quotation during t le Week ending Friday Evening.) Mores-Dazes - Bolanos 54 Amer:Amman

Brazilian Imperial.... ...... 10 British North American 34 Ditto (St. John del Rey) Colonial

British Iron Leudou and Westminster 221 Cata Branca I.ond .11 Joint Stock 13 Candoura

National or Ireland

Cobre Copper RAILWAYS - 29 National Provincial l'rovincial of Ireland

Cheltenham and Great Western 20 Union or Australia 311 Eastern Counties 81 Union of London 10 GmndJuuction

Domcs -

Great Western 82 East and West India ... 110 Liverpool and Manchester ....

London 824 London and Brighton 351 St. Katherine 1021 London and Blackwell 61 MIBCELLANEMNI -

London and Greenwich 5 A itstralian Agricultural

London mid Birmiugliam 1831 BMW' American Land

Londou and Croydon 10 Canada

Manchester and "Leeds

General Steam

Midland Counties 591 New Zealand

North Midland 57 Royal Mail Steam

South-eastern and Dover ..... ES* South Australian

South-westeru 58 Van Diemen's I.and

BULLION. Gold, Farris. 83 Bars Old SP otisCor ". ". • • • 0 Mexican Dollars 0 Silver in Bars. Standard 0 i7.*

a 4 4

gd. g 10 111 METALS.

Copper. British Cakes. .per ton 841. 5e. bon. British Bars C 0 Lead, British Pig 17 10 Steel, English ..... 0 1

lo 0 6- 0 0- 18 0- u e 0 0 n 0 0 0 0

GRAIN, Mark Lane, September 30th.

The arrival of English Wheat has been tolerably fair during the week, and only is few samples remain in hand this morning. There is not much animation in the trade ge- nerally. but the demand is steady for fine qualities. at previous prices. We continue to be largely supplied with Foreign Wheat, and have at present only a limited inquiry either from town or country millers. The sales effected today, though few, have been at abi.ut the same rates as the beginning of the week. Barley is in fair request for malting or distilling purposes. if of fine quality, and fully maintains its previous value ; whilst ID Beans or Peas we note no vat lethal. Having AR increasing supply of new Oats front inland, the trade is rather depressed for this article, and wo reduce our quotatiotts from Ed. to Is. per quarter since Mon- day ; for fine qualities of Foreign or English, however, previous rates are fully main-

• O.

25 to 37 Maple 35 (0 34 Oats, Feed ... 18 to 13

Barley . • • .... 84 .. 55 White ,0

34 Fine Oil .. 22 Malting 30 .. at Boiler. 34 38 Poland 23 . 24

Malt, Ordinary. 40.. 30

Beane, Ticks .. 27 . 59 Fine 24 25 Fine 52 .. Old 30 .. 32 Potato

25 .. II

Peas, [log 30 .. as Ham.. -.85 .. 44 Fine .... 26 AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN. DUTY ON FOREIGN CORN Per Quarter (Imperial) of England end Wales. For the present Week. Wheat 33. 10/ I By ..... 30.. 93 Wheat ........is. ad. I Rye 104.04. Barley 27 2 Been• . 33 4 Ratify 9 0 Beane 9 •

3.1 I Oats 8 0 Peas 9 6


Tows-made per sack 49s. to 48s.

Seconds . .. .... . ........ 58 - 43 Eases sad ....... on board ship... 35 - 40

Norfolk and Stockton 33 -- 38 BRAN per quarter Oa. to Os. POLLARD. fine Os. to Os, BREAD, r4d. to 8.1, the 41b. Loaf.

HAY AND STRAW. (Per Load of 36 Trusses.)

CUMBERLAND. MI ral FIELD. PORTMAN. WHITECHAPEL • Hay, Good Sc,... sin 00s... 604 0..• • 0. 63s . 90s.

Inferior 76 .. 86 0 .. 0 • New 6 t . 0 Clover 95 .. 116 70 .. 110 0 „„ 0 .. .. 70 .. III

Straw, Wheat as .. 48 30 .. 42 0 .. 0 34 .. 41


Kent Pockets.... .... ............. SO4. to 100s. York Reds...

Choice Ditto 120 - 130 Ware Sussex Pockets 86 - 90 Middling Superfine Ditto 95 - 100 Chats BUTCIIERS' MEAT.

NEWGATE AND LEADENHALL.• Beef Vs. 44 to 31. 4d. to 3s. 10d.

Mutton 2 II .. 3 4 .. 4 0 Veal 3 0 .. 3 9 .. 4 8 Pork 2 s „ 4 0 .. 5 0 Lamb • To sink (lie offid-esr Nibs.


rttri 8,644 vy 855 Beans. Sheep. Calves. Pigs. 22.3i0 270 ........ lal

7,001 Itli 399

GliaXERIES. TEA, Rohm+, fine, p II.. IN. 2d. -Ie. 4.1

Coogan, fine ..... 11 0 -e 41

Bouclsong, use V 0 -3 I • In Bood-Duiy 1d. per lb. COFFEE, fine (in bd) per sat. 1St*. to 1444.

Good Ordinary 5. 5. to 741. SUGAR Moeovsdo.pereil.065.004. WealIndia Molasses Y3s. to Ks.


Wheat. RedNee 44 ra 46 Fine 55 .. 54 White 48 .. 50 Fine. 55 • se Superfine New 0 .. a Old 0.. 0 PROVISIONS.

BUTTER-Pest Fresh, I4s. ed. per dos• Cerlow. 41. 44. to 41 Its. par cwt. BACON, Small New, per cwt. 44s. to 52s. CHEESE. ChosIoro ass. to 84s.

Derby Plain 339. to 63a, HAMS, York 74s. to 945 EGGS, French... per ISO 4e. 6d. to els. ed• ......... .....pers• o 110s. to 100e 0 - 6

0 ... •

0 .... 0


3, 44. to 3.. litt to 4s.44.

3 6 .. 4 a ..

4 6

3 8 .. 4 it ... 4 X 3 6 .. 4 4 ,. 5 0 0 0 .. 0 0 ..

0 0


nape Oil ......... .....pisr met IL 4s. Od Refined 0 0 0 Linseed Oil 1 14 3 Lioosod Oil Cake per 1000 0 0 0 CANDLES, per dozen, 7s.sd. to 8s. Od. Moulds (4d. perdos.diacouot) Its. ad. COALS, Helton 10,0 4.

Taw 15..04.