1 OCTOBER 1853, Page 1


TICE advance of certain war-ships into the Dardanelles, as it is now explained, constitutes an act less decisive and menacing than it appeared to be from the first reports upon the subject. The number of ships reported to have arrived at Constantinople is four, and not six—two from the French, and two from the British fleet. It is explained that they have been called to protect English and French subjects in the Turkish capital, and not for any military purpose. It is also averred that no order has been issued for the remainder of the fleets to follow. Nevertheless, it appears to be an undeniable fact, that the entrance of war-ships into the Dar- danelles either constitutes a breach of the treaty of 1841, and is an act of aggression against Turkey and the peace of Europe, or it must be justified by declaring that the peace of Europe has already been infringed by the Russian invasion of the Principalities ; in other words, if the act is not one of war on the part of France and England, it is a practical declaration that there is a state of war in the Turkish dominions. There is no doubt also that in Turkey, and in Europe at large, whatever may be the diplomatic explana- tions, the act is regarded as one of decision • and, as the Times observes, " although it may not have been dictated by any change in the immediate relations of Russia with the Western Powers, it is not improbable that negotiations may be quickened as well as facilitated by the proceeding, and there will certainly be no in- clination in this country to quarrel with so desirable a result." In all other respects the actual state of the Turkish question is the same as it was last week.