▪ .Lwa9Lflic_ " Palmam qui meruit ferat." Mr. Gustavus Broake;
warr au 9.*. feats of of detail, has succeeded by his strong delineationkdirring .: flu& crowds to Drury Lane that his engagement is to be extended ter a week or two more. Last Wednesday he did double work, playing hoth ipAle morning and in the evening, and on both occasions he wet attractive. Under these circumstances, disparaging criticism finds itself in a dilemma. If it is wrong—why, of course it's wrong, and there's an end of tha,mat- ter ; if it is right—why, then being in the right is of no practical= Wk. Mr. Gustavus Brooke has secured the favour of that large mass who up the body of a general public, and has thus got such a firm footing that he can afford to disregard the aristocratic few, who even if they approVed would contribute but little towards the repletion of the. treasury,', This difference between the standard of taste set up by, xPe must really be respected as intellectual judges, and the power if t- ing the masses is illustrative of a fact-that of late year must hevethe0 insinuating itself more and more into the conviotionoof Playgoein;.;611.441cArev 1,10Ki3r449M6 * chosen few, whose opinions to /lot o server— e fact that audiences WeinittionirSodiedAiPthre sainmemeall the audiences of a quarter of a centw o. The great crities7=W Yhif Ri" Mit Bddy,,of 3tikiatiWed.-I:if-his vocation. Meanwhile, -all die 'smith, who, on the strength of Mr. Brooke's sue- 14"riiimillAte,10,A* off tlie equestnati troop for a week or so. If we can, not change filisfinewi3.Q1 destAnY, it is something at any rate to check the
rapidity of its advances._