1 OCTOBER 1859, Page 11

The Revenue returns for the quarter, which will be published

today, will exhibit an increase in customs of 150,000/. in Excise of 456,000/:, in Stamps of 105,0001., in Taxes of 50001., in the Post-office of 35,0001. ; and a decrease of 580,0001. in the Income-tax, and 200,0001. in the Miscellaneous items. On the whole them is a decrease of about 30,000/. on the quarMr. On the year, however, in consequence of the large increase in the Customs, Excise, Stamps, Post-office, and Taxes, there will be a net increase of some 530,0001.;. notwithstanding the im- mense decrease (upwards of 2,000,0000, in the Income-tax caused by Mx. Disraeli a reductions in the rate.