The lovers of our national' antiquities will rejoice to learn
that the Duke of Clevelandhae let to the Committee of Excavations four acres of ground at Wroxeter, the-two on which- the excavations have hitherto been carried on, and two additionalacree-adjoining, to be kept.permanently open to the public, and not to be filled uyagain. Four acres ofthe buildings of a Roman town in Britain, ruined in the fifth century, will truly be an in- teresting' monument, and will be none the less interesting by contrast with the medneval castles and abbeys with which the county abonnde. All that' remains now is to obtain-money enough to carry out actively the designa eft the excavators, and, as the Committee hae•done its beet to carry' out w hat It had undertaken as a public duty, it into be hoped that the public will come fbrward liberally with subscriptions, and not let them dill short of funds.:—