On Thursday the Congress discussed the difficult and vexed question
of the revision of the Prayer-book. We cannot find space to enter into the subject in detail here, but we may note that Dr. Swete, Regius Professor of Divinity, Cambridge, opened the discussion in a moderate and reasonable spirit. It was evident, however, that there is a great deal of opposition from what may be termed the purely conservative point of view. With the spirit of the excellent letter from Canon Daustini Cremer, Vicar of Eccles, which we publish in another column we are in full agreement, but we feel that we ought never to deal with this matter without emphasising our belief that great care must be taken lest the net result of Prayer-book revision shall be to decrease the comprehensive- ness of the Church of England. Prayer-book revision that makes for a wise inclusiveness has our strongest sympathy, but we must not forget the danger of its ending in exclusiveness.