ityt tOtatrts.
The past week has been somewhat fertile in events. At the Olympic, a new eomedietta, entitled A Fair Exchange, has been produced, and though utterly devoid of other merit, has that of exhibiting Miss Louisa Keeley, influenced by all the emotions proper to a plebeian beauty of jealous temperament. Mr. J. Anderson and Miss Elsworthy have com- menced a series of Shakspearian performances at the Princess's, where also Miss Harris, daughter of the manager, has made a successful debit; as the young aspirant in the First Night. The Messrs. lirough's burlesque, the Enchanted Isle, lately revived at Drury Lane, when the performance took place for the benefit of the " Brough Fund," is now permanently acted at the Adelphi. Mr. Barry Sullivan's &aka- pearian course is continued at the St. James's.