1 SEPTEMBER 1860, Page 19


Mr. Murray has in the press "Two Years' Residence in Denmark, in- cluding excursions through Jutland and the Danish Isles," by Mr. Horace Manyat.

"The French Under Arms," by Mr. Blanchard Jerrold, is preparing for publicationly Mr. L. Booth, Regent Street.

"The Zoramiebeg Shootings, or a Moor in Scotland," by Thomas Jeans with illustrations by Percival Skelton, is announced by Messrs. Roudedge and Co.

The " Liber Albus, or White Book of the City of London," compiled (A. D. 1419) by John Carpenter, and translated from the original Latin and Anglo-Norman by H. T. Riley, MA., will be brought out in the course of next month, by Messrs. R. Griffin and Co.

Moors. J. Hogg and Sons have in the press, "The Wits and Beaux of Society," in two volumes, by Grace and Philip Wharton.

Mr. Lovell Reeve has in preparation a new series of natural histories, which includes "British Mosses," by the Reverend M. J. Berkeley ; "British Ferns," by Mr. Thomas Moore ; and "British Desmidiae." by Dr. G. C. Wallich.

A volume of "Mottoes of the Families of Great Britain and Ireland, with correst translations, and the names of the families claiming them attached to each," will be published about the middle of September next, by M. T. C. Jack, Edinburgh.

"The Unprotected Female at the Pyramids," is the title of a story by Mr. Anthony Trollope, which is about to appear in Cassell's Family Paper, and to be followed by three others from the same pen. Anew work by the well-known American author, Mr. F. L. Olmsted, entitled "A Journey in the Back-Country, including an exploration' of the valley of the Missisippi," has appeared at New York. Messrs. Michel Levy, fieres, Paris, have just published the Princess de Belgiojoso's " Histoire de la Matson de Savoie ; ' and "Merlin L'En- cluggeur," a hgw work, by M. Edgar Quinet. The prolific M. Capefigue has launched a new so-called historical work, entitled "Agnes SoreL" It is a picture of the reigns of the sixth and seventh Charles, with Dunois and the Maid of Orleans in the fore- ground. M. Dentu, Paris, has published "La Femme Affranchie," by Madame D'Hericourt, in two volumes. The work, a somewhat free exposition of the "Rights of Woman," was only allowed to appear after the authoress had written to the Emperor on the subject. A volume of "Lettres sur la Sidle," by M. Viollet-le-Dne, a late traveller in the island and through the South of Italy, has been published by Messrs. Chamerot and Co., Paris. Messrs. Meline and Co., Brussels, have in preparation an " Histoire de la Litterature Beige depuis 1830 jusqu'a nos jours," by M. Emile van Cleemputte. A German biography of Milton, under the title, " Milton : Studien zur Geschichte des Englischen Geistes," (Milton: a Contribution to the History of the English Mind,) by Gustav Liebert, has been brought out by O. Meissner, Hamburg. The first volume of a "General History of Moravia, from the oldest times till the year 906," by Dr. B. Dudik, has been published by Messrs. Decker and Co., Berlin.

"Die letzten Tage von Gotthelf Heinrich von Schubert," (The Last Days of G. H. von Schubert,) by Dr. Fr. H. Ranke, and a volume of "Hebrew-Germanic Proverbs," by A. Tendlau, have been published by G. Schlawitz, Berlin.

The first volume of B. Mifilhausen's "Travels in the Rocky Moun- tains of North America, up to the Highlands (Hoch-Plateau) of New Mexico, undertaken as a member of the Colorado Expedition, sent out by the Government of the United States," has appeared at Leipzig. The Gazette of Augsburg, of August 26, referring to the Spectator of August 18, corrects a statement in the "Literary News" of that num- ber. The book "Die Napoleoniden : em n Genealogisch-Historisches Gemiilde," by Dr. F. Nagel, was not published by Messrs. Cotta and Co., Stuttgart, but by F. W. Grunow, Leipzig.