The Prussian Parliament has, however, carried its point as to
the budget. The Government has accepted a mild repulse and a formal pardon for its conduct in governing for so many years without a budget sanctioned by the people. The Bill of indemnity tells the Government that annual budgets ought to have been sanctioned by Crown and Parliament for the expenditure of the various years from 1862 to 1865 ; the Chamber, however, grants the Government indemnity for having governed without their sanction, but " the House reserves to itself the right, constitution- ally vested in it, of comparing the actual expenditure with the synopsis submitted by Government, and granting or refusing the necessary discharge, according as the accounts of the actual expen- diture may be found to agree or not with the synopsis 'submitted by Government." That is a dignified and authoritative tone to take, and the wise reconciliation between the House and the Government seems therefore to have effected all that was prudent and possible under the _circumstances, in asserting the past wrongs and present rights of the Chamber.