If the Convention had planted the basis of a solid
party, the lovers of true freedom might hang their heads. It was compelled, however, to embody in its so-called platform a resolution of gratitude to the Federal soldiers, which asserted the national duty of aiding their families where they had been killed or disabled. As this nominally, though of course not explicitly, includes even the negro soldiers, it will be probably received with exceeding anger in the South, where negroes are murdered cheerfully every day simply for having served in the Northern armies ; and we ex- ceedingly doubt whether a political party that will work at all so as to include the mass of former Secessionists,—and without that it is nothing,—can be constructed on the basis of the Philadelphia resolutions. The best chance which the true Free-soilers have of counteracting this successful move of the renegade Northerners, is the Convention of Southern loyalists which is to take place this month, also in Philadelphia, and which is expected to have a con- siderable effect in strengthening the advocates of real guarantees for the negroes.