The Philadelphia Convention, the object of which was to effect
a political junction between the Northern men who, like the President, Mr. Seward, Mr. Montgomery Blair, Mr. H. J. Raymond, Mr. Thurlow Weed, and men of the same class, are utterly indifferent, in comparison with peace and union, to the wholesale oppression and murder of the negroes and the negro ex-soldiers of the Federal army by the ex-slaveholders of the South, and the former Secessionists themselves, has had an exceedingly prosperous sitting. It steered clear of one or two rather dangerous rocks, and seems at present in a good way to promote complete union on the Louisiana precedent approved by the President of supporting the party who murder the negroes and the negroes' friends for asking further guarantees for their civil rights. Fifteen hundred delegates debated in a hall which often contained something like 17,000 enthusiastic persons. The most obnoxious Northern Copperheads, Mr. Vallandighain and Mr. Fernando Wood, were persuaded to withdraw. The President telegraphed that the finger of Providence was on the side of the Convention—a piece of news which had just been received at the White House, and was rapturously wel- comed in Philadelphia. Loyal resolutions were passed, slavery was declared to be extinct, which it is in name, the principle of readmitting the Southern States at once to representation was affirmed, and the Convention separated an unquestionable success.