1 SEPTEMBER 1900, Page 16



SID,—We are surprised at the letter written to you on "Our Medical Department in South Africa" by Dr. H. W. Seager. His assertions that "there is scarcely any medical practitioner of experience and observation whe has not seen the poisonous effects of condensed milk on infants, especially in gastric and enteric troubles," and also "the mere process of tinning milk makes it a doubtful article of nutrition," are such pure nonsense that we should not have thought you would print the same. If condensed milk were an article such as Dr. Seeger suggests, Dr. Scholtze would not have, in his evidence before the Hospital Commission, stated that "he had found the Langman Hospital at Bloemfontein in an excellent condition. There was no overcrowding. It was true that there had been a scarcity of fresh milk, but the con- densed milk supplied had answered admirably."—I am, Sir, &c.,

48 Cannon Street, London, B.C. HENRI NESTLE.

[We publish Mr. Nestle's letter, but we can pronounce no opinion on the merits of the question, nor can we publish any more letters on the subject. —ED. Spectator.]