Vietnam: how to end the war
From C. M. Woodhouse, Ivan Avakumovic, the Rev George Speller, David M. Bain, G. M. Lee, Israel Shahak, Sir Brandon Rhys Williams, D. H. Macrae Taylor, Patrick J. N. Bury, Ross H. Dabney, Lieut.-Colonel H. Levin. R. G. W. Rickcord, Professor Henri Mlle!, I. N. A. Armitage-Smith, John Barton-Arm- strong, Leonard H. Pendlebury.
Sir: In your issues of 11 and 18 August, Sir Alec Douglas-Home and Mr Grimond deal from different points of view with the immediate problem of bringing the war in Vietnam to an end. Obviously this is an urgent task, but it will not be done successfully unless it is done in a way which recognises the long-term realities in Vietnam after the fighting ends.
The essential fact to recognise, it seems to me, is that there are only two long-term alternatives. One is the indefinite continuation of a military occupation of South Vietnam by the Americans. The other is an eventual re-unification of the two halves of Vietnam under a government which will be (whether based in Hanoi or Saigon) both com- munist and nationalist in character. These are the two alternatives between which the us govern- ment has to choose. I personally believe that they would find the second more to their advantage than the first, not least in helping to contain Chinese expansion.
As a matter of fact, though, it may also be questioned whether the two alternatives are, in the very long run, mutually exclusive; for if the Americans choose the first alternative, it is likely to be only a matter of time before they tire of it, whereupon the second will supervene. As I have great confidence in the fundamental good sense of the American people, I believe it will be sooner rather than later that they see the light. They may even react accordingly with great suddenness, in which case the British government will be left as practically the only supporter of the current policy of President Johnson. It is easy to see why Mr Wilson has to support it for reasons of expediency, but I do not see why anyone else need join him.
C. M. Woodhouse Crom Castle, Newtownbutler, Co. Fermanagh, Northern Ireland.