Belgrano fuss
Sir: Colin Welch writes a good comment- ary upon Labour's new defence policy (Centrepiece, 25 August). The obvious question to ask of Mr Kinnock is: 'What are you going to do when the Russians drop an atom bomb on your conventional forces?' The only answers forthcoming from the disarmers so far, as Mr Welch implies, has been: 'I don't think they would do that.'
On this score, have you noticed that those who are the most certain that Russia wouldn't launch a nuclear attack upon us if we unilaterally disarmed are the ones who are the most readily able to believe that Mrs Thatcher was prepared to drop an atom bomb on Cordoba if our convention- ally armed Task Force suffered a defeat?
And. isn't this what the whole Belgrano fuss is all about: an effort to prove Mrs Thatcher a fanatic who, in her supposed lust for war, deliberately sabotaged peace talks that were On the point of succeeding by a frantic last-minute order to get the Belgrano? She would thereby reveal her- self to be a person whom we, the British people, should not trust, and whom the peace-loving gentlemen in the Kremlin have every right and need to feel threatened by, so justifying their present intransigent attitude.
Brian Best
4 Burns Street, Nottingham