Tuesday, April 16.
Richardson Brothers, Stanningley, Yorkshire, linendrapers—Gray and Co. Leeds, j cloth-dressers; as far as regards . Clark—Wade and Baker, Todmordeu, Lancashire, chemists—Henderson and Atkin, Stockton-upon-Tees. drapers—Whiteley and Clay. Dewsbury, cloth-manufacturers—Lord and Heap, Mouton Bottoms, Lancashire, dyers- Wa.oti and Dowty, Shepton Mallet, book.sellers—Donne and Pring, Bristol, unseat:is- Kirk and Smith. Kingston-upon-Hull, auctioneers—Churchman and Co. Ipswich, • wine merchan.s--Waller and Sparkes. Houndsditch. silk-mercers—J. and T. Steen, Burnley, weighing-machine-m.dters—Watsou and Co. Leeds, corn-millers; as far as regards J. Dyson—Mallard and Co. Kendal, iron-merchauts—Pringle and Tate. New- eastle.upun-Tyne. tobacconists—Aldridge and Co. Leith. colounmerehants—Steains and Binks. Liverpool, tea-merchants ; as far as regards D. Bell.
Mathews. Ffammersmith, tallow-chandler—Fletcher, Althorpe, Lincolnshire, farmer —Wilkinson, Bawtry, out of business—Thompson, Harwich, chemist—Shaw, Tar- parley. Cheshire. bookseller—Wateou, Luddington, Lincolnshire, farmer — Taylor Bradford. Yorkshire, cooper—Ellis, Bradford. Yorkshire. joiner—Firth, Halifax. sister —Lloyd, Liverpool, baker—Parkinson, Ilminster, stationer—Plant, Stockport. hat- block-turner — Hogg, Hulme, saddler —Beatty, Whalley, Lancashire, cordwainer—. Davidson, Newcastle upou-Tyne, bricklayer—Locke, Chapel Street. Grosvenor Place, surgeon—Randal, Bath. postilion—Barber, Hermes Street, Pentonvitle, engraver— Worley, Shattesbury Street. Horton. copper-plate-printer—Rolfe, Shoreditch, pastry- cook—Oxborrow, Ipewieh, blacksmith—Perry, Birmingham, butcher—Bulley, Bernard Street, Russell Square, landing-waiter—Moore, Twerton. Somersetshire. milkman— Wild, Upper Stamford Street, Customhouse-clerk—Leach. Birmingham, publican— Gumpertz, Kensington— Elson, Northampton, hawker.
CROSS, Incesan, Jermyu Street, saddler, to surrender April 26, May28: solicitor. Mr. Wells, George Street, Mansionhouse; official assignee. Mr. Edwards, Frederick's KW&
Mkt-case, JA.1012, Liverpool. grocer. May 6, 29: solicitors, Messrs. Norris and Co. Bartlett's Buildiugs ; Mr. Toulnun, Liverpool; official assignee. Cavenove, LiverpooL
Nara.. Jour.. Chesterfield, grocer, April 29, May 27: solicitors, Mr. Vickery; -Lin- coln's Inn Fields; Mr. Gillett, Chesterfield; Mr. Wilson, Manchester; officialassignees Mr. Stanway. Manchester. QUINN. JAKES, Liverpool, painter. April 24. May 21: solicitors, Messrs. Bridget an& Blake. Fiusbury Circus; Mr. Dodge and Mr. Mime, Liverpool ; official assignee, us. Turner. LiverpooL THORPE, HENRY, Kensington, Iluendraper, April 30, May 24: solicitors, Messrs:, Sole, Aldermaubury; official assignee, Mr; Groom, Abchurch Lane.
Wersoe, Tautens, Camomile Street. victualler, April 23, May 24 : solicitors, Messrs: - Fry and Co. Cheapside; official assignee, Mr. Pennell, Basinghall Street. DIVIDENDS,
May 7. ILardley, Newport. Isle of Wight. miller—May 7, Minister, Argyll Street, Regent Street, tailor-,-May 9, Powell and Craufurd. Piccadilly, wine-merchants-..
. .
May 9. Mobbs, Newland. Northamptonshire, plumber-May 9. Lee. and Co. Bread Street. factors-May 7, Steen. Chandos Street. grocer- May 7, Hughes and Hunter- St. Leonard's, builders--May 9, Tamer. Myddletou Street Clerkenwell, painted-baize, manufacturer-May 9, Loder, Bath. musicseller-May 8. Bunker, Dempsey Street, Commercial Road East, chronometer-maker- May 8, Parkes and Henderson. Duke Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, carpeuter s-Mav 7. E. and F. Mountford, Bath,. drapers May 7, Davies, Davies Street. Berkeley Square, apothecary-May 7, Heathorn. Abchurch Lane, shipowner-May 10 Smith, Gloucester, money-scrivener-May 10, F. and S. Shute, Crediton, woollen-mnnufacturers-May 9, Ewan. Preston, lineudrapers- May 9, Coates, Manchester merchant -- May 10. Scott, Cousteutine, Cornwall, scrivener-May 21, Gray, Leeds. wo. Istapler-May 21. S. and B. Musgrave, Leeds, dyers-May 21. Kuapton and M•Kay, Bradford. Yorkshire, stuff-manufacturers-May 4,R., J., and J. Putter, Manchester, cotton-spinners-May 7, Hoare, Alstonefield,
Staffordshire, apothecary. CERTIFICATES.
To be granted, unless rause be shown to the contraty, on the day of meeting.
May 9, Scott. St. Alban's, aprehecary-May S. Leslie and Smith. St. Duustan's Hill, merchauts-May 7, Smith. Pump Row, Old Street Road. timber-merchant-May 10, Orbell. Romford. victualler-May 10, T. °tell, Erleevrare, hay-dealer-Mae 7. Spar- ham. Fronton. Suffolk, miller-May S. Wickham, Brrstol. linendmper-May, Murch, Norton-under.Hamdon, Somersetabire, sailcloth-manufacturer.
To be granted. unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before May 7.
Phillott, Binder", Sumersetshire. scrivener-Timm. Hertford, carpeuter-Tebay. Winchester, plumber-Berridge, Manchester. tobacconist- Williams, Regent Street, Stationer- Robinson, Nottingham, wharfinger-Hardley. Newport, Isle of Wight, miller-Lamont, West Smithfield, nine-dealer-Hyde. Nottingham, dyer - Davis, Newington Causeway. earthenware-dealer- Parsonage, Birmingham, paper-hanger- Balls, Thames Street, iron-merchant.
Hughes, Chelmsford. shoemaker; first div. of Is. 6d. April 17, or any subsequent Wednesday; Mr. Follett, 13-singhall Street-Cock, Burney. grocer; final div. of Id. April 17, or any subsequent Wednesday; Mr. Follett, Basinghall Street-Richmond, Lump Street, merchant ; final div. of ltd. April 24, or any subsequent Weduesdav ; Mr Follett, Basingball Street -livery, Meppenhall, Bedfordshire, farmer; div. oils. 5d' April 17, or any subsequent Wednesday; Mr. Follett, Basinghall Street-Corah• Bristol, hosier ; secoud div. of 6d. April 17, or any subsequent Wednesday ; Belcher, King's Arms Yard-James, Tewkesbury, coal-merchant; div. of Is. 2d. Apri. 17. or any subsequent Wednesday ; Mr. Morgan, Bristol-Eyre, Gainsborough, cruel merchant; second div. of 4d. April 18. or any subsequeat Thursday ; Mr. Freeman- Leeds-Hunt, Kingston-upon-Hull. hosier; first and final div. of id. April 18, or any, subsequeut Thursday; Mr. Freeman, Leeds-J. and T. Welland, Exeter, turners; first div. of 53. any day after April 17; Mr. Heruaman. Exeter.
GIANNI!. W.„ Edinburgh, china-merchaut, April 24. May 15. AP GREGOR. A., Edinburgh, stablekeeper. April 22, May 13. MURDOCH. R." Auchiulecit, Ayrshhe, wright. April 22, May 14. PATON. A., Paisley, draper, April 22, May 13.
Trioursorr, A.. Glasgow, innkeeper, April 23. May 21. WRIGHT, D., Glasgow, provision-merchant. April 20, May 10.
Friday, April 19.
G. and J. Wareham, Aston, Warwickshire, plumbers-Chandler and Holub, Mi- noriee, chemists-Gloucester Bread aud Flour Company-J. T. and J. Adey, New- bury. coal-merchants-Perry and Paul. Yr rk Street. Westminster, brass-fouuders- Coney and Chambers. Southport, lodging-housekeepers-Davis and Thompson. Tea- bury, surgeous-Hough and Co. Nottingham, joiners-M•Intyre and Co. Salford, en- gravers to calico-printers; as far as regards J. Dawson- G. and W. Smith. Faruhaus, smiths- Sutcliffe and White, Bradford. worsted stuff-mau ufact urers-War d and Niblett. Dorking, ironmongers-J. and J. Baker, Portslade, Sussex. grocers-Prosser and Knight. Hereford. curriers- Abbey and Co. Huddersfield, tallow-chandlers-Lander and Brookman, Clement's Court, Carey Street, printers-Baster and Orton. Rrebester, linendrapers-Lucas and Co. Bristol, window-glass-manufacturers-Davenportund Co. Liverpool, engineers-E. and .1. Mason. Carmarthen, brick-roakers-K. W. and C. P. Fox, 'Torquay, surgeou-dentists-Roberts and Powlson. Maechester, priuters -Spittal and Son, Edinburgh, silk-mercers; as far as regards Sir J. Spittal-Weat of Scotland Giutpowder Company; as far as regards C. Peebles.
Pinto, St. George's Buildings. Heston Square, warehouseman's-assistant-Bunker. Northampton, out of-employment-Haigh. Kirkburton. Yorkshire, clothier-Truemau, Kidderminster, carpenter -Litherland. Huddersfield, nail-maker-Thorburu, Halifax, shopkeeper-Cooper, Liverpool, grocer -Edgier, Apollo Court, Fleet Street, book- binder-Bonnython, Salisbury Street, Portmau Market, furniture-broker- Brown, Duke's Mews, Lisson Grove, cabriolet-proprietor-Pond. Bell Street, Edgware Road, cutler-Freeman, Lisle Street, Leicester Square, appraiser-Smith, Bungay Si. Mary, Suffolk, tailor-Bowskill, Liverpool, butcher-Chadwick, Bradford. Yorkshire. over- looker-Purse junior, junior, Brighton, upholsterer- Roberts, Camden Tow'', fruiterer-Good- all. Bradford, Yorkshire. tailor-Nicholls, Berkeley Street West, Lambeth-Everitt. Great Yarmouth, twine-spinner-Pool, Manchester, clothes-dealer - Passey, Back Vine Street. Minories, traveller-Strong, Lyucombe, Somersetshire, cabinet-maker-Elder-- kin, Hammersmith, beer-seller. BANBRUPTS.
ALLINSON, Ricaaso, Whiteharen, iroumouger, to surrender April 26, June 10: soli- citors. Mr. Stubbs, Furnival's Ion; Messrs. Perry, Whitehaven ; Mr. Iugledew, New- castle-upon-Tyne; official assignee, Mr. Wakley, Newcastle- upon-Tyne. Araares, harms, Aston, Warwickshire, beer-housekeeper, April 27, May 25: soli- citors, Mr. Chaplin, Gray's Inn ; Mr. Harrison, Birmiugham; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Birmingham.
Kenya, Joan, Courtney Terrace, Kingslaud, linendraper, May 2, 31: solicitor, Mr. Dodd, New Broad Street ; official assiguee, Mr. Alsager, Birchiu Lane.
CARPENTER. JOHN. Bothwell, Northamptonshire, surgeon, April 30, May 30: soli- citors, Mr. Cattlin, Ely Place; Mr. Thompson, Northampton; official assignee, Mr. Graham, Coleman Street.
Dine" JAMES, and GRIMM JOHN. Bristol, plasterers. April 26, June 7: solicitors, Messrs. Peters and Abbott, Bristol; official assignee, Mr. Miller. Bristol
Dowse, „hulas. Chepstow, wine-merchant, April 26, June 6: solicitors, Messrs. Bevan, Bristol; official assignee. Mr. Acraraan, Bristol.
Loan, Joni( BUCKLEY. and COOFILAN. Iiireaset. Aldmonbury,woollen-cloth-manufac- turers. April 30. May 28: solicitors, Messrs. Sudlow and Cu. Chancery Lane; Messrs. Floyd and Booth, Huddersfield; Mr. Nayler. Leeds; official assignee, Mr. Hope, Leeds. Mazz.u.sais, JAMES. Halifax. cotton-spinner. May 3. 31: solicitors, Messrs. Gregory and Co. Bedford Row ; Mr. Ward, Halifax; official assignee, Mr. Young, Leeds. PAVNE.WILLIAM, Newcastle upon-Tyne, builder, Apri126. June 4: solicitors. Messrs. Crosby and Crompton, Old Jewty ; Mr. Hodge, Newcastle-npon.Tyne; official as- signee, Mr. Baker. Newcastle-upon-Tyr.e.
EMMERT, GS0203. Wakefield, currier, May 6, 24 : solicitor, Mr. Dean, Batley; offi- cial assignee, Mr. Young. Leeds.
&Am. Jaunt. Manchester, ti tering-machine-manufacturer. April 30. May 22: soli- citors, Mr. Netbersole, Essex Street, Strand; Mr. Foster, Manchester; official assignee. Mr. Pat, Manchester.
EVER, JAMES JOSEPH LION. Bridge Street, Blackfriars. undertaker, April 30. May 21: solicitor. Mr. Melton, Gray's Tun; official assigaee. Mr. Follett. Sambrook Court. TODD. Jensen, Hartfieldt, Sussex, dealer, April 30. May 21: solicitors. Messrs. Elmalie and Preston, Moorgate Street; official assignee. Mr. Green. Atdermaubury. Wasixs. Marrusve, Percy Street. Tottenham Court Road, patent electro-plater, May 3, June 1: solicitors, Messrs. Buchanan and Grainger, Basiughall ,Street; official as-
signee, Groom, Abchurch Lane. DIVIDENDS.
May 1.4. Poore, Brunpton, Devonshire, druggist-May 10, Clarke. Banbury, linen- draper-May 10. Field, Plummer's Row. Whitechnel, sarnish-manufacturer- May 10, Booth. Prince's Street, Lambeth, lime-burner-May 10, Florence, Subdeanery, Sasses, potato-dealer-May 10, Bridge, Malden, grocer-May 16, Waddington, Boston, York- shire. grocer-May 16, Raphael and Nathan, Kingston-upon Hull, silversmiths-May 16, Rubinson, Beverley, linendraper -May 16, Metcalf, Muldlesboraugh. currier- May 14, Knowles. Halifax, corn dealer-May 14, Atkinson. Ciustor, Lrucolnahire. wine- merchant-May 16, Etock, Leeds, lineudraper-May 14.3. and W. Green, Wetherby, Yorkshire, timber-merchants-May 14, Cheethani. St-ckport. surgeon-May 14. Caton, Prestou, iroumonger-May 14, Grass, Devouport,draper-May 10, Bulusan, Newcastle- upon.Tyne. oil-merchant -May 10, Davison. Newersatle-upon-Tyne, earthenware-ma- nufacturer. cz awn caw&
To be granted,seless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting. May 10, James, River Street, Myddelton Square. builder -May 10, Bourue, Regent Street, woollendraper -May 10. Best. Crutchedfriars, wine-merchant-May 13. Aldred, Nottingham. stationer-May 11, Greening, Worcester. surgeon-May 20. Thomson, Stoke-upon-Trent, trou-maurtfacturer- May 28, Thomson, Steke-upon-Trent. iron- manufac Lir er.
Ti, be granted, artless cause be shown to the contrary, use or Masi 10. ReaveleY. Quieulaithe, commisaion.agent-Soushgate, Fleet Street, auctioneer-Bal-
lard, Maidstone, brazier-Turner, Myddelton Street. Clerkenwell, painted baize-mar nufacturer -Sanders. Ramsgate, shoemaker-Fuller, Poplar. coal-merchant- ton, Birkenhead, woollendraper-Williamson, Regent Street. bosier-Wright, Notting- ham, dyer-Crowther, Warrington, stationer-Newton, Kirkhurton, victualler.
DECLSItsvcdis or DIvIDSINDs.
Hervey, Brick Lane, ironfounder ; second div. of Is. on April 24, and two following Wednesday ; Mr. Groom, Abchurch Lane-Redshaw, Bourn, saddler; first div. of 4e. on April 23, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr. Whitmore Birmingham-Peters. Man- chester, wine-merchant ; first div. of lr. 6d. April 23. or any subsequent Tuesday; Mr. Hobson-Read, King Street. Covent Garden, engraver ; first div. of 2s. on April 24. or any subsequent Wednesday ; Mr. Follett. Basiughall Street-Jopp. Conduit, ship- broker ; first div. of 2s. any Saturday ; Mr. Green, Aldermanbury-Mackiutosh. Hay- market, saddler ; final div. of 41d. any Saturday ; Mr. Green, Aldertnaubury-Bu*, Edgeware Road, upholsterer, first div. of 3s. 4d. any Saturday ; Mr. Green, Alderman. bury-Mitchell, Locester, hosier ; first div. of 18s. any Thursday ; Mr, Christie, Itir- noingham-Suffield, Birmingham, druggist ; first die. of 71d. any Thursday ; Mr. Christie, Birmingham-Palmer, Liverpool; second div. of 5d. any Weduesdas ; Mr. Penuell, Basinghall Street-Taylor. Middlesborough, coal-litter; fourth div. of 2s. 64. (in addition to 3s. 3d. previously declared) on April 20. or any subsequent Saturday g Mr. Baker, Newcastle upon-Tyne-Featherstonhaugh, Bishopwearmouth, coal-fitter; first and final div. of 2s. 711d. on April 20, or any subsequent Saturday ; Mr. Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne-Henderson Moukwearmouth Shore, tiuner ; firstand final div. of 244. on April 20, or any subsequent Saturday ; Mr. Baker. Newcastle-upon Tyne- Mills, Hart Street. Mark Lane, merchant ; first div. of 7s. 64. on April 24, sod two fal- lowing Wednesdays ; Mr. Groom, Abchurch Lane,
Ronsirrsort, 3.. Brechin. vintner. April 27, May 20.