There is a tali in Paris of impeaching M. Guizox
and his col- leagues, all about Tahiti and Queen Pomaid ; for although the French officers frightened the Queen into premature labour, and M. DUPETIT-THouAits stoutly stuck up for white stars in her fancy flag instead of laurel-leaves, M. Guizox does not perceive the glory achieved for France, and rather discountenances the Admiral's nice embroidery and obstetric diplomacy. M. DUPETIT-THOUABS has sent a report, which is published by the French papers : it is long— full of round assertions that all the embarrassment in Tahiti was the work of intriguing British officers ; with a brief and not very clear narrative of facts already related, and the confident assurance that the French administration is just what it should be. It seems that this verbose and unmeaning document contributes to the danger of Ministers ! How very oddly they manage these things in France!