On the 30th March, Lady Cot QUHOUN. of anon and heir. On the I Irb April. at Aberdeen, the Lady of Captaiu LEITH, MN., of a daughter. On the 1 ith. at Alderholt Park. Hants, Mrs. J. H. Key, of a daughter.
On the 12th, at Holmes House, Ayrshire, the Lady of "suss FAIELTE, Esq., of Holmes, of a son. 01 the 12th. at Mossford Lodge. Great Ilford. Essex. the Wife of the Rev. M. A. GATHERCOLE. or a daughter. On the 131h, in Belgrave Square. the Marchioness of CAMDEN, of a daughter. On the 13th, the Lady of G. BINNINO 11011E, Esq., of Argaly. Perthshire, of a daughter. On the 15th. in Chapel Street. Grosvenor Square, the Lady of Lieutenant-Colonel TINLIEG, of., daughter. still-born.
On the 17th, in Wilton Crescent, the Lady JANE WALKER. of a son and heir.
On the 18th, in Grosvenor Street, Lady MILLICENT BENCE JONEs, of a son. MARRIAGES. On the 9th April, at Bath, the Rev. G. L. lisavEy, Rector of Yale, son of Ike late Sir Ledford Harvey, to PERsis Score, only child of Captain Ntertotts, formirly of the Third Buffs.
On the II tIi, at Blandford, Dorset, the Rev. WILLIAM M. Slum MARI:ram Rector of Horsmeedeu Kent. and second son of Sir J. W. Swill, Bart., of the Down House, Dorset, to FaaNcEs, third daughter ot Roamer RADCLYITE, Esq., of Fox Denton Hall, Lancashire. On the 11th. at Upton. Bucks, Captain WILLIAM CorrEalrit. W000, R.N., to ELM- BETH. youngest daughter of the late Rev. THollAs l',,TEDmAN, M.A.. Vicar of St. Chad's, Shrewsbury, and Widow of the late Rev. EDWARD Pot.auesirros, M.A. On the 130, at St. George's, Hanover Square, Lord FRANCOI RUSsILL. brother of the Duke of Bedford, to ELIzABETH, only daughter of the Rev. ALGERNoN PATTON, of Doddiugtou. Cambridgeshire. On the 13t1,, at Armagh, GEoROF. DUNBAR. Esq., late M.P. for Belfast, to HARRIET, second daughter of tii,, late Lord GEoROE BERISFuRo. On the 13111, at Great Badminton. the Rev. E. J. EyERARD, B.A., Rector of Didmar- ton, Gloucestershire, to MARIE MADILIINE CECILE, eldest daughter of the late RoDoLyli L. ax Ros...i.scr. of Yverdun. in the Pays de Vaud. On the 16th, at St. Martin's Church. HASVEY. eldest son of JOHN Dauramown. EN., to SUFAN CAROLINE. daughter of ANDREW Moirrne ER nod Lady EsilLY DRUMMOND. On the titb, at Childwall, hares RIGBY. Esq., of Moss House. to CATHERINE, eldest daughter of Jun PH N. WALKER, t.1 Calderstoue near LiVeyrOol. On the 18th, at St. George's. Hanover Square, Major A.M. TULLOCK,4,1 the War Ofike. General Superintendeat of Military Pensioners, to Emma Louisa, youngest daughter of Sir W. H. PEARSON, of Hanover Square.
On the 2d April, at Rome, Aro% Wife of Lieutenant.Geueral Sir JAsemt NrooLts.
H.O.B.; in her 61st year.
On the 2,1, at Rome, JANE Etna. relict of the late Sir Wrcomm Itawsmr, and daughtes of the late Colonel RAWsoN. of Belmont. County Wicklow. On the 7111, at Port Lemon. county Westmeath. the Right Hon. Lord DR BLAQUIZRE. On the thli. the Rev. Reese BASS. Vicar of Austrey. Warwickshire; in his39th year. On the 10th,, rn Sedburgh. 111e Rev. THOMAS HAINIIRIDOE, M.A. Rector of Addle- theme. Lincolnshire; iu Iris 84th year. Ou the 11th. at Kibworth, Leicestershire. the Rev. WILMS, Riorwrrs. Rector of that parish, and late Fellow of Merton College, Oxford; in his 41st year. Also, at the same place, on the followiug day, his brother, CAREW MILDMAY timers, Esq.; in his filet year. On the 11th, the Rev. THOMAS Brew, of Deptford ; in his 95th year. On the 11th,. at Edinburgh. Colouel WILLIAM HAY, eldest sou or the late General Sir James Hay. K.C.H.. Colonel of the Second Dragoon Guards. On the I Ith. at Gatcombe Rectory. Isle of Wight, the Rev. Herm Wonsimr, fl.!)., Rector of Gatcomhe. and of Wolvetton, Hants; in his 89th year. On the llth. at Tx eedmouth. JAME, Swarr, the last of the Stuaits "; in his 116th year. His father. General John Stuart. arts a near relatit e of the Pretender Prince Charles. He had had five wives aunt twenty-seven children. Ten of his sons were killed is battle—five in the East Indies, two at Trafalgar, one at Waterloo, and two at Algiers. His death was caused by an accident. 0.1 the 12th. in Curzon Street, ALEXANDER JAMEs, the eldest son of Grottos WILLIAM Hoer. F.sci ; in his 5th y ear. On the 151h, CAROIANE MARIA, Wife of Lieut.-Col. HANHEy, King's Dmgoon Guards._ On the 17th. in Grosvenor Street West, Sir THOMAs TUttrow. Bart., of Feleamp. Surrey ; in his 80th year.
On the 1711t, at King's Langley, Herts,TBOMAs AsNarr, Esq., late of Brixton, Surrey ; in his 90th year.
On the 19th. at Blackheath. the Hon. HENRY LEGGE. brother to the late and uncle to the present Earl of DARTMOUTH, many years one of the Commissioners of the Navy Board; in Isis 80th year. Lately. in Hunter Street. the Rev. Join HEWLETT. BD., Rector of Hilgay. Norfolk, and formerly Morning Preacher at the FouutilillY, Hospital; in his 87th year. Lately, at Charlestown. County Westmeath, MATTHEW MUlirsty, steward to Captain Mark Levinge ; in his 100th year. Lately. in Canterbury Workhouse. Mrs. TAMSON CrAnaxt in her 105th year.