20 APRIL 1844, Page 9


The Courier. Baigre. which arrived at Mauritius on 12th October last, leaky, has been abandoned and sold.

The Hugh Mathie, Sparkes, and the Mariam, Rowse, from Calcutta. dragged their anchors and ran OD the reefs at Mauritius on the 4th January, and are expected to be- come total a reeks ; crew and passengers saved. The Defiance, Hall, fur Madras. and the Amity. Wrightson. from Bombay, hail their masts cut away during the above gals on the 4th January. ARRIVED-At Gravesend, 1511 April, Essex, Brewer. from Calcutta: Herefordshire, Richardson; and Malabar, Pollock, from Bambav ; 16th. Goshawk, Ritchie; Robert logham, Clough; and Lady Emma, Wilkinson, from Mauritius; 17th, William Jar- dine Jones; and Ceylon, Fergusson, from China; Elizabeth Buckliam. Bewley. from South Australia ; Northumberland. Drew: and Janet Wilson, tVilson. from Calcutta ; and Pauline Houghton, Ramey, from Msurititis; aunt 18th, Jolts Brow.. Thoruhill. front Malaita. Off Haalings, 18.11. Duke of Cornwall. Eagles. from Calcutta. Off Falmouth, 17th, Mona, Milligan, from Launceston. At Cowes, 15th, Christian. Wal- pole, fern Singapore. At Liverpool. 15th, Thomas Fir-Idea. Blackstone. from China; 1811i. George Buckliam, Sims, from Singapore ; and Minims. Robertson ; and Lancaster, Jefferson, from Calcutta. At St. Helena, previous to 4th March, Adriande. Campbell, and Foam, Greig, !rum China; Maria. Miller ; Humayuois al'Kellar; Each's, 'Miler; and Mary Louisa. Miller, tram Calcutta ; and Araminta. Rodger. from Bombay. At the Cape. 21st Feb. Alex. Baring, Hall, from London ; Nith. Graham, from Calcutta ; Charles Kerr. Arnold; and Thomas Coatis, Wade. from Bombay. At alaiiritins. in Jan. Briton, JelTervi Morning Star, Harrison ; arid Thomas Junes, Ilatuntau, from London ; Agnes, liyce, nom the Clyde; arid Persian. Grange, from Net, castle. SAILED—From Gravesend, 16th April. Surnaming. Geere. for Madras. From Bristol, 17th, Victoria. Hancock, for Calcutta. From Liverpool, 16th, Cordelia, llaghes, for ditto. SATURDAY MORNINO.--ARRIVED-Off D iver, Ingleborougli, Rae, from Chills.