THE tide of song, which set in at the Italian Opera with Easter, flows clear and strong. Semiramide was performed on Thursday, and is re- peated tonight. This opera is one that takes a firmer hold upon the mind the better it is known. When the ear gets accustomed to the " noise " of which some complain, the full force is felt of its barbaric splendour, its throbbing life, and headlong passion ; and the fancy is led on by a succession of beautiful melodies and expressive graces. The beauty, the will, the passion of the Eastern Queen, find fit utterance in GAM, who is generally noted this year to have assumed a more mea- sured and dignified style ; and truly on Thursday she was herself in her best aspect. The part of the harsh and overbearing Assur is cal- culated to veil some of FORNASARI'S most essential faults ; and he gives it at least force and energy. Arsace was represented by Mademoiselle FAVANTI, who took pains to be as blameless as possible; in person she is every thing that could be wished, and her hearers are disposed to be indulgent ; but the music was sung last year by BuammmLa. The part of Idreno is wanting in dramatic importance, and it was given to the second tenor, Signor CORELLI; luckily no incompetent singer, for the music needs a better artist than managers can always find for it. Oroe was embodied in the all-sufficing LABLACHE.
The Polka was danced between the acts. Very pretty it is to see PERROT and CARLOTTA (iRISI, with Polish caps and red boots, jigging arm in arm, and toeing and heeling it to quick time, after the fashion of the Cracovienne turned into a gatoppe ; but we cannot perceive any- thing in the dance itself to account for the furor about it : it surely can- not be the last movement, in which the lady, holding with both hands the arm-akimbo of her partner, is swung round and round with velo- city proportioned to the rapidity of his gyrations. A new ballet divertissement had been announced ; but instead of' it Giselle was revived ; CeaLorra Guise petsonating the heroine very charmingly. Sr. LEON achieved some astonishing feats ; and a new male dancer, M. MONTESSU, exhibited strength and agility of no com- mon kind, in a pas de deux with Mademoiselle PLUNKETT, who is rising in public favour.