MONEY MARKET. STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY Aremoroon. — The French Funds declined
on Monday and an Tuesday, and the English Stock Market was heavy in consequence. During the last two days, how- ever, the market in Paris has been improving, an advance of f per cent having occurred on Wednesday, and another of 1 per cent yesterday. The English Funds have risen about f per cent from the lowest quotation of the week. In the course of this day, the price of Consols for Money and Account has been as high as 96k; a slight reaction occurred in the course of -the afternoon, and the closing quotation Is 961 for Money and 95i 96 for Account. The business transacted has neither been extensive nor impor- tant A demand for Money Stook has, however, been observable, though there are still large quantities held by capitalists who have advanced money upon it. This Stock is only kept from pressing upon the market by the kW rate of interest. Advances are easily obtained at the Stock Exchange upon the security of English Funds at the rate of 2 per cent per annum. The Foreign Stocks principally dealt in have been the Seri of the Russian and Danish Loans, and the paid-up Stock of those loans. e rather ex- tensive purchases have occurred in these Stooks, principally upon foreign as- count; and a large amount of Scr• has been paid up In full, to meet the demand for Stock thus occasioned. The bonds of the Pour-and-a-half per Cent Russian Loan are in circulation, but those of the Danish Five per Cent Leers are not yet ready. A alight improvement in price has occurred in both these varieties; the Russian Scrip having reached 2f, and the Danish 4{ premium. The recent advance in Spanish Stock has been maintained, although the transactions have not been important. At a recent meeting, the Bondholders 'determined upon the appointment of a committee of six ; and from the high re- spectability of the gentlemen so nominated, they may be sure that their in- terest will be fully and 'fairly represented. Portuguese Stock has advanced from f to 1 percent; an influential buyer having appeared in the market. Some rather large operations have occurred in Mexican Stock : the market was first depressed by a large sale, and then rendered firmer by a consider- able purchase. The depressing influence of the former operation, however, still continues to affect the market ; which is heavy this afternoon at 291. Peruvian Stock continues to improve, And is today 70to 71. The other Soigh American Stocks are without material alteration. A sort of panic occurred in the Railway Market, and almost every variety tettrffIii tfrt firth
of Shares declined materially under its influence. North-western declined to 994, the lowest quotation yet recorded; Great Western were as low as GORHAM v. THE BISHOP OF 464, and Midland &Of. Today and yesterday, the markets were much s wonn OF env= TO THOSE WHO MAY n Great Western having been at 62, and closuag We afternoon at5 Midland
also have recovered to 33, and are last quoted at 321. The exciting cause of the advance appears to have been a groat improvement in the tolls of the North-western for the week ending the 14th instant, when the amount re- ceived exceeded that of the corresponding weekof last year by nearly 3,000/. The Lancashire and Yorkshire Company had also a very successful week, and the fall of the Shares was arrested by an excess of toll over the corresponding period of last year of nearly 1,8001. The price of the Shares had beenas low as 31, and after being at 34 closes this afternoon at 33 and 334. The minor varieties sympathized with their more important congeners, and are today generally rather in advance of the prices of Wednesday. SATURDAY TWRLVE o'Czoom.
The French Funds row 15 eentimea in Paris yesterday. The English Stook Market is firmer; Consols opened at 964 both for Money and Account, have since been done at 961 for Account, and are now 961 for Money and 964 4 for Account. The Foreign Funds are without the occurrence of any change or business of importance. The Railway Share Market is nearly in the same state as yesterday, the following being the principal bargains re- corded—Eastern Counties, 7; Great -Western, 1024; Midland, 33; North Stafford, 74. SATURDAY Two o'csoca.
The English Funds are steady, but no transactions of importance have occurred : Consols close at 96 ft for Money and 9611 for Account. The only variation in the Foreign Market is in Mexican Bonds, which have declined about 4 per centL and close at 284 29. The following are the principal bar- gains recorded—Danish Five per Cents, 96; Ditto Scrip, 4# * premium ;
; Peruvian, 704 1 ; Ditto Deferred, 2945; Portuguese Four per:Cents, Venezuela, 334; Dutch Four per Cents, 8ieti ; French Five per Cents, 88. 75; Exchange '26.60. Shares—.13t. John del y Mining, 144; United Mexi- can, 64; Colonial Bank, 74; Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company, 80.
The Railway Share Market is without any material change Midland and Great Western are in better demand. The following are the principal bar- gains recorded—Aberdeen, 104; :Caledonian, 74 44; Chester and Holyhead Preference, 74; Eastern Counties, 74; Ditto Preference, 114; East Lan- cashire, 71 7 ; Great Northern, -544; -Great North of England, 245 17 ; Great Western, 624 35 52 53; Ditto Quarter-shares, '134; Ditto Fifths, 104; Ditto .New, 171., ; Lnreashire _and Yorksh;,,e Fifths, 10/ ; 'London and Blackwell, 34; 'London, Brighton, and South Coast, 79 84; London and North-western, 1021 Ditto New Quarter-shares, 104 4; Ditto Fifths,
North Staffordshire, 744 ; Scottish Central, 114 South-eastern and Dover, 115 ; Midland, 33 21 Ditto tto 501. Shares, 24 1 3 ; North British, 74 ;
131 4; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 111 12; York and North Midland, 141,4 -1; Ditto Preference, 644; Orleans and Bordeaux, 25.
3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account par Gent Reduced, 34 per Cents Long Annuities Bank Stock Exchequer Bills
India Stock
Brazilian 5 per Cents Belgian 41 per Cents Chilian 6 per Cents
Danish 5 per Cents
96 1 961 25
975' 4 8 1-16 1
205111 . 69 71 pliz 86 8 88 90 96 98 94 6 Danish 3 per Cents — Dutch 21 per Cents Mexican -5 par Cents 1846 Peruvian 6 per Cents
Portuguese 4 per Gents 1842, Portuguese 5 per Cents 1824.
Russian 5 per Cents ... Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 Venezuela . 69 71 551 6 85 .86 281 9 10 71 33 4 84 6 106 108 181 1 36i 71 33 5
uador, SI ; Greek, 1824 and 1825, ex all Coupons, 51 6 ; Mexican, 204
83 1 ; Russian Five per Cents, 1074; Ditto Four-and-a-half per Cents,
95 Spanish
Ditto Passive 34; Ditto Three per Cents, 37;
; Active, 184;