20 APRIL 1850, Page 12


Cosa"' a "beneficent fairy" be persuaded to endow our Ministers with the one quality most useful to them, it would be the faculty of learning by their own experience; an. experimue instructive in the sources of weakness, but not without its 'instruction also in the sources of strength. Cmild they be caught for cross-exa•

II 11

tion in Madame de Genlis's Palace of Truth, they would tell yo that strength had uniformly waited on them when they dealt 191 realities, and that they had always found themselves weak when dealing with shams. There is no miracle in that • the miraculous fact is that the party now installed in office has been illustrating the truth for at least twenty years, and has not yet found it out. Lord John Russell has grown grey in working out the truth, and to this day knows it not! Ili eJti untL5a If', ' .0 1, sition ;9 m ,, h , ' 1-5alf t c ass—be few I: : •è i ' '. 11;ellanee on fad

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, .. I :111 nani16 gt th4iit' 'BA'S mouth; adult ordered in diet- '‘.:" tire this kind of influence and potency with the ins' - 'Petency which the same party-. has earned to itself lii 1 Anil fraudulent Australian Bills, or its deceptive an lnclicro sly inaccurate Stamp-duties 13ill. Yet again,: Mt' 401gaill6" renew the appeal to realities, and it proves to be iI.illi ._ i' 'tuess the credit obtained by the Irish bills to facilitate ilie tiansfer and beneficial occupation of land. Nay, so eager is cthsi [Public to put tho best construction upon conduct, tliattit laprS Credit by anticipation, as soon as statesmen begin to hanille a real subject in a mode that looks sincere,—as in the cad e 'Of Sir George Grey's Burial in Towns Bill, and Lord John Russell's bill ,to abolish the Irish Viceroyalty. Those MRS may cob b3*tiiirig4ii. to worse, ne the Australian Colonies Bill; but tigb liee4s to which they refer are real, and the public is as pleased to see the Ministers approaching a reality as the spectators of ":magic music" are to see the wanderer approach- ing the hidden Object. Another fact 'should be noted. In all these matters of reality, which have reflected honour on the Ministers, some truly able and. eKetiest than or men have been engaged.,.—as Nichols and Chad, vriek in the Poor-law ; Romilly in the Irish Land-law Bills ; Southwood Smith in the Burial Bill ; and Clarendon—whose prin- ciple of administration in Ireland has been "to make the law a reality "—in the 'Viceroyalty-Abolition Bill. "Measures, not men," proves in this view. to be a fallacious aphorism ; it needs real men to appreciate mid elaborate real measures. But the feeblest of Ministries provee lb 'have some strength where it is dealing, with truths truthintlir,'With realities substantially.

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