MELITARY GAZETTE: WAR-OPPICIL April 18.-5th itegt. of Drag. Guards--Capt. R.
Thompson, from the 49th Foot, to be Capt. vice Holder, appointed, to the, Beets Fusilier (lords; Lieut. C. P. Johnson to be Capt.. by purchase, vice Robson, who retires ; Cornet F. H. Suinfen to be Lieut by purchase, vice Johnson. 3c1 Light Drags—Cornet R. Macneill to be Lieut. by purchase, vice.Cookes; promoted.; J. le Preston, Gent, to be-Cornet, by purchase, Tice Macneill. Beets Fusilier Guards—Capt. C. Holder, from the Stir Drag. Guards, to be Lieut. and Capt. vice Lord E. Taylour; appointed tothe 49th Foot 3d Regt. of Foot— Ensign J. Pope, from the-84th Foot, to be-Ensn. 7th Fiaot—Lieut. 0.0. Mosley, from- the 59th Foot, to be Lieut. viceSenior, whore- changes. 31st Foot—Lieut. C. .7. 0. Swaffield to. be Capt. by purchase, roe L'Estrange, who retires ; Ensign. R. J. Leeson to be.Lieut. by purchase, yiee-Swaf-
field: 42d Foot—Lieut-Gen. Douglas, H.C.B. from the 935 Foot, to be Col.
vice Lieut.-Gen. Sir 3, Macdonald, deceased. 47th Foot—Ensign C. A.
Stevenson to he Lieut. bypurchase, vice Longmor who retires. 48th Poot—.Lieut. J. R. Lovett, from the 10th Foot, tolie,Lieut. vice Wyndowe, appointed Adjt of a RecruitineDieteice 49ttrFoot—Lieut. and Capt. Lord R. Taylour, from the Scote Fusilier Guards, to be Capt. vice Thompson, appointed to the 5th Drag. Guards. 5001-Foot—Ensign W. D Shirley. to be Lieut. by 'purchase, vice Tottenham, whw retires. 57th Foot--Capt. T. H. lehton,from the 44th Foot. to be Capt. vice H. M. Smyth, who retires upon half-per 44li Foot—Lieut. G. 11. V. Arbuckle, from the 84th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Kenny; appointed to the 84th Foot. 59th. Foot—Limit. S. Senior, from the 7th Poet toliefjeut. vice Mosley, who exchanges. 64th Foot,— Lieut. F. B. Forster, from the 86th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Loft, deceased. 69th Foot—Lieut. G. H. Evans has been allowed to retire from the service by the. sale of his commission'. That Foot—Mut. M. R. Campbell, from half-pay, 68th Foot, to be Paymaster, vice Sauter, deceased: 736 Foot—Assist-Surg. A. S. Fraser; from the Hospital Staff, to beltesist.-Surg. vice Rockier, whoresigns. 78th' root—Lieut.-Col. H. H. Kitchener, from half-pay. 9th Foot, to be Lieut.-Col. vice E. Twopenny, who exchanges ; Major H. W. Busted tube Lieut.-Col. by purchase, vice Kitchener; who retires;' Capt. H. Hamilton, to be Major, by purchase, vice Stisted ; Lieut. G. A. Lockhart to be Capt. by purchase, vice Hamilton ; Ensign J. S. F. Dick to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Lockhart; Ensign R. H. Martin, from the.36th Foot, to be Ensign, vice Dick. 84th Foot—Lieut. E. (7.0; Kenny, from the 57th Foot, tube Lieut. vice Arbuckle, appointed to the 57th Foot. 870 Foot—Capt. F. C. Herring, from the' 36th Foot, to be Capt. vice E. S. O'Brien, who retires upon half-pay; 86th Foot. illst Foot—Assist.-Surg. R. S. Belle, from the Hospital Staff, to be Midst, -Burg. vice Munro, appointed to the- Staff. 93d Foot—Major-Gen. W. Wemyss to-be Cot, vice Lieut.-Gen. Sir J. Douglas, K.C.B. appointed to the 425 Foot.
Hospital Staff—Assist-Surg. W. Munro, M.D. from the 91st Foot, to be Assist.— Sorg. to the Forces, viceTraser, appointed to the 73d Foot; Acting Assist.-Burg'. R. EPOregor to be Assist-Berg. to the Forces, vice Belle, appointed to the 91st Foot.