In parts beyond the seas, there is enough going forward
to be the subject of volumas,; mot so -pima that a suited far our wait' note.
France is still in a bad way—match agileite41 via& euriositgrito see the result of the..Page-electess. Vie "tliosrouribe"'.aundiditio M. Sue, a recent convert to Socialism, and one of the most immoral of French writers.
The Pope has returned to Rome. Some accounts report extra- vagant demonstrations of delight ; but in truth his reception seems to have been cold.
The overland mail from India confirms our alternative conjecture, - that gross lasity of command had caused the insubordination of the Native troops : but Sir Charles Napier is restoring order by a clear-spoken and wholesomely rigorous severity_ is doing more for British 'empire thanif he had been needed for the task which recalled him to India but did not await his .tuaivaL