20 APRIL 1850, Page 8

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_ ZistrIlitutsul

• Referring to a ruinous' for some time current,' that "an address, emana- ting from the -Modemte and Evangelical parties of the Church of Eng- land was about to he ,preiented to the Archbishop of Canterbury, expres- sive Of itkirobitien of the division in the Gorluim case," the Times of' Wednesday announced, that 'after "earious deliberation among some of the 'most eminent ram of every shade • of "the determinition is that no such address should be presented." The pith of the reasons- alleged at some length for tlais counsels,- that "it. would have been un- wise and uncharitable, by a euunter,a0tIttion, to have renewed the strug- glee of this unfortunate controversy)?

-Thu • Guardian publishes the answer given by the Archbishop to the' petition of one hundred and eighteen clergymen of the diocese of Lincoln, that his Grace "make representations to the Queen on the subject of Con- vocation" He regrets th'oppoic' the lathes of such a body of clergy- " But the matter is one on which I mast act upon my own opinion ' - anti my opinion is quite decided, being founded upon the annals of fonnerCon- vocations, that the meeting of such a Synod for deliberation would tend to inflame rather than to moderate feelings, which are already too much ex- cited, and increase the difficulty of restomig that peace to the 'Church of which we so greatly stand in need. With' reluctance, therefore, I must de- cline acceding to the wishes of the memorialists."

The Bishop of Bath and Wells has issued to his diocese a declaration against the decision in the Gorham ease, and has forwarded a copy of it to the Archbishop of Canterbury, with a respectful -letter.

The following correspendtmee has passed between' Miss Salon, • the Sister of Iderey, and Lord Chief Justice Campbell. "ThLe Orphans' Home, _Plymouth, _Verdi 19. "My Lord—It is with a pain the intensity of winch, amidst saoh apparent ingratitude, your Lordship willnotreadily imagine possible, that, in writing to express my deep sense of your kindness in consenting to aid the work at. Devonport, I have now to request the withdrawal of a name which, Obi& and honoured as it is, is connected most painfully- with a decision which, for the present, brands the Church of England with uncatholie teaching. "As a most unworthy yet faithful daughter of that Church, I have, as your Lordship will perceive, AO choice left me in working for, her but to withdraw from one who has assisted in a judgment Which I am bound to be- lieve is so contau-y to her fundamental pruiciples as to be fatal to her unless absolutely rejected.

"It is useless to multiply words of sorrow. Your Lordship will know and feel that such a letter we the present ought not and could not be written without much grief and embarrassment. Entreating your forgiveness, and praying that all blessing may attend you and yews,

"I am your Lordship's humble and grateful servant, "Pnisceexe LYDIA Simr.ort. "Is Mother Sups."

" Midland Circuit, Warwick, March 31, 1850. "Madam—Having a most sincere respect for your piety and benevolence, I would beg you to reconsider your request that my name may be withdiawn from the list of those who are desirous of assisting you in the truly Christian objects to which your life is devoted. I really believe that you misunder- stand the judgment to which you refer when you consider that it is so dangerous to the Church and so discreditable to those who concurred in it. I assure you that we have given no opinion contrary to yours upon the doc- trine of baptismal regeneration. We had no jurisdiction to decide any doc- trinal question, and we studiously abstained from doing 80. We were only called upon to construe the articles and formularies of the Church, and to say whether they be so framed as to condemn certain opinions expressed by Mr. Gorham. If we be mistaken in thinking that they are not so framed, you will hardly say that for this mistake (which you will charitably believe to be conscientious) we ought to be excluded from communion with orthodox Christians. Recollect that the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Archbishop of York entirely approved of what we did ; and they are as much answerable for it as if they had been mein- bars of the court, instead of being only our advisers. Reflect, then, whether it be for the good of the Church to which you are so affectionately attached, to pronounce excommunication against all who approve of the decision which you censure. Perhaps you may find that a large majority of the pious sons and daughters of the Church of England think that the decision is sound, and that it may heal the wounds from which she has lately suffered. At any rate, I do hope that, upon reconsideration, you will still allow me to have the gratification of being upon your committee. If you remain inflexible, I must submit to your determination; but I shall continue to pray that Heaven may enlighten your understanding, andffirther your labours with its choicest blessings. - "I have the honour to be, with the highest respect, Madam, your most obedient faithful servant, Campanu."

"The Orphans' Home, April 8. ■ " My Lord—I found your letter on my return from a short absence from home. Need I say that the unexpected kindness of its contents only made me the more bitterly mourn over the unhappy cause which separates me from such a benevolent and noble leartseparates me as I still hope, only for a time ; for how can I behave but that your Lordship will in time perceive what is involved in. your decision,. and will lament as deeply as any one of ma that it should have endangered the Church by the apparent adneasion of heretical teaching?

" You tell Inc that, on the contrary, it will help to heal her wounds. Alas ! my Lord, that you should say so. How can it heal her wounds to tell us that her articles admit of a heresy which her creed rejects ? I may not be- lieve it, although such worde are sanctioned by the two Archbishops: My Laid; I do not believe it. It would be to question the truth of the Chureh of England to believe that it were matter of allowed indifference whether an article of the creed were contradieted or not. It is not being faithful to her to doubt until her -own 1,oiee condemn her; which may God forbid ! " But Many hearts since the,d6eigion do fail. They2believe that your decision is 'just ; they do not belieVe.1ffiat the Church of England is a witness to and a holder of the truth of Ged—They turn from her as not being 'a: light set on a hill, which cannot be hid.' Their faith is utterly shaken. I speak from a bitter knowledge of facts.. I see her forsaken by those who have loved.her.. And you,Itily'liordi do you also believe that the Church of England has been'im- true to herself; that her formularies are so constituted that she 'eontiinliets her-own belief; that she will not maintain the faith of her creeds ; that she will admit priests to teach her children that which has been condemned as a heresy? Yorgive ate, my Lord,-fdr Writhigthus to you.. Ilow eon rdo other- wise? It is not that-I forget the difference which God has placed between' us—the difference between an eialted'and a loirly'position—the difference of age turd sex, and station : but allffide away while I recollect the wonderful kindness of your letter, the noble reluctance with which you withdraw the aid Which 4311eC I should have so joyfully and gratefully accepted; and I cannot but speak to You heart to heart.

"I thank you very earnestlyfor- your promise of remembering me in your prayers. I am not worthy to pray for you ; ism& yet if the God of all good- ness will hear the supplication of a loving and deeply sorrowing heart, Ile will bring you to grieve for the injury done to the Church, and will help you to,repair It, and give you all blessing in time and in eternity. - "Yours very humbly and iffeotionately,

" P. LYDli &LLCM"

- " Btratheden House, April 10.,

," Madam—I deeply grieve that (although in very courteous language) you adhere to the stern resolution of excluding me from the gratification of being upon the list of your committee, and of contributing my mite to the excellent cbmities which you at laudably superintend. I must confess that yen do not seem to me to have -made any way in proving that my cancurrenee in the decision of the Judicial Committee in the-GI:whale case slithildrdisqualify me humbly to Assist you in taking care of orphans, in providing &Christian edu- qa4i011-for the children of worthless parents, and in mitigating the physical sufferings of our fellow creatures. • "I cannot think that I am called upon to answer your observations re- specting the merits of the decision or its probable effect upon the Church, or I could easily show that you beg the question entirely by assuming that tho doctrine to which you object has been condemned by her articles and fonnu- laries as a heresy, ; and I might. deuionstrate,. that whether the decision be wrong or right, rt. can afford no plausible pretext for leaving the Church, as no reproach can be brought upon her by misconstrnetion of her articles and formularies; and it must be a very slight reproach to her if she has omit- ted to denounce one false doctrine as heretical, considering that no Christian 'Church' has in to settle degmatically all points of doctrine and that the Chnrch which those who complain most bitterly seem disposed to take refuge has studiously left open various questions considered by the members of that Church to be of high importance. "I have only new to submit to your sentence. Though expelled from your committee aud forbidden to have any communion with you in charitable deeds, I may perhaps, be allowed in parting to remind you of the peril you incur by implicitly giving way to a religious impulse. 'Some of the darkest and most dangerous prejudices of men,'. said Lord Erskine, 'arise from the moat honourable principles. When prejudices are caught up from bad passions, the worst men feel intervals of remorse to soften and disperse them ; but when they arise from a generous though mistaken source, they are hugged closer to the bothna, and the kindest and most compassionate natures feel a pleasure in fostering a blind and unjust resentment.' "If at any time hereafter you shall be induced to relent, I shall joyfully avail myself of the opportunity of again trying to further your benevolent schemes. And, in the mean tune, I have the honour to remain, with the highest respect,. Mndwrn your mod obedient, faithful servant,


In an additional letter to Lord Campbell, Ma Solon complains that her epistles have been published.

If Lord Campbell had desired a public statement on the subject, she sa it might have been made in another form : "but those letters were addressed simply to your own heart, and, coming from the fulness of mine, were such as I should not have shown to others. They were a sacred matter between your conscience and my own and our Gel, and are, I need scarcely observe, singularly unfitted for the columns of a newspaper." It is not the first time that she has had cause to remonstrate at the way in which her private words have been made public. "I would, my Lord, that you and all to whom I write would recollect that my letters are written only for those to whom they are addressed; and that I claim the courtesy most especially due to a woman, in requiring that they should not be published without my know- ledge and permission."

The conclusion is characteristic—" I own, my Lord, that I am rather in- dignant with you' but I am still, yours, humbly and affectionately, P. Lydia, the Mother Supr. of the Sisters of Mercy."

The Guardian makes a singular statement on the part of the Bishop of Exeter. "It has been insinuated that Miss Sellon's letters were written under the influence, if not the suggestion, of the Bishop of Exeter. We have good reason to know that something like the reverse of this assertion would be nearer the truth." What does "the reverse" mean ?—that the Bishop tried to dissuade the young lady from excommunicating Lord Campbell ? or that the venerable and admiring Prelate acts under the di- rection of the fair saint ?

There is no foundation whatever for the report which obtained circula- tion yesterday in the columns of one of our contemporaries, that Sir William Parker is about to resign the command of the fleet in the Medi- terranean.—Times of Tuesday.

It is announced that Sir Augustus Godby has retired from the Secretary- ship of the Irish Post-office, on full superannuation allowance ; and that Mr. G. C. Cornwall, private secretary of the Marquis of Clanricarde, will succeed him, and be replaced by Mr. Anthony Blake of Furboro,' County Galway.

It is stated that the office of Judge-Advocate of Ireland, now held by Mr. Walker, is to be abolished, with its entire establishment, and that the duties are to be transferred to the office of the English Judge-Advocate.

Captain Douglas W. P. Labalmondiere is appointed Chief Superintend- ent of the Metropolitan Police, in the place of Captain Hay, who has suc- ceeded Sir Charles Rowan as Joint Commissioner with Mr. Mayne.

Mr. William Ramehay has been appointed to the Judgeship ofthe Liver- pool County Court, vacant by the death of Mr. Lowndes.

A iumiber of gentlemen interested in the completion of steam naviga- tion to Australia, including Lord Monteagle, Lord Lyttelton, Lord John Manners, M.P., Mr. Adderley, M.P., Mr. Divett, M.P., and Sir William Verner, M.P., 'waited on Sir. John Jlobhouse last week; and ined•hini to use his-endeavours-as President of the Board of Control in removing any difficulty felt by the East India Company ,respecting the arrangements now nearly completed for establishing steam communication with the Aus- tralian Colonies. Sir John llobbouse stated that he is personally anxious to see the object carried out, and will gladly give the services desired.

The steam-ship City of Glasgow left Glasgow on Tuesday afternoon, as the pioneer of a new line of steam-packets to run regularly between Glasgow and New York. She has started with 110 Passengers and 1,000 tons of goods.

• Captain Penny's expedition in search of Sir John Franklin sailed from Peterhead, for the Arctic regions, on Saturday last. Tho vessels were the Lady Franklin, under Captain Penny himself, and the Sophia, under Captain Stewart of Peterhead; and they arc provisioned for three years.

The Sardinian Government is aboutto execute a grand engineering pro- ject; it is going to pierce the summit-ridge of the Alps with a tunnel twice as long as any existing tunnel in the world. A correspondent of the Times announces the fact. Front London as far as Chambery, by the Lyons Railroad, all is at present smooth enough ; and the Lyons road is indeed about to be pushed up the ascents of Mont Meillaud and St Mau- ricnne, even as far as Modane at the foot of the Northern crest of the Graian and Cottian Alps : but there all further progress is arrested ; you cannot hope to carry a train to Susa and Turin unless you pierce the snow- capped barrier itself : this is the very step which the Chevalier Henry Maus projects. The Chevalier is Honorary Inspector of the Genie Civil ; it was he who projected and executed the groat works on the Liege Rail- road. After five .years of incessant study, many practical experiments, and the invention of new machinery for boring the mountain, he made his final report to the Government on the 8th February 1849. A commission of distinguished civil engineers, artillery officers, geologists, senators, and statesmen, have reported unanimously in favour of the project ; and the Government his resolved to carry it out forthwith. The "Railroad of the Alps," connecting the tunnel with the Chambery Railway on the one side and with that of Suss on the other side, will be 36,565 metres or 201 English miles in length, and will cost 21,000,000 francs. The connecting tunnel is thus described— "It will measure 12,290 metres, or nearly seven English miles in length ; its greatest height will be 19 feet, and its width 25 feet, admitting, of course, of a double line of rail. Its Northern entrance is to be at Modane, and the Southern entrance at Barclonneche, on the river Mardovine. This latter entrance, being the highest point of the intended line of rail, will be 4,092 feet above the level of the sea, and yet 2,400 feet below the highest or culminating point of the great road or pass over the Mont Cenia. It is in- tended to divide the connecting lines of rail leading to either entrance of the tunnel into eight inclined planes of about 5,000 metres or 21 English miles each, worked like those at Liklge, by endless cables and stationary engines, but in the present case moved by water-power derived from the torrents."

A celebrated London character, Madame Tussaud, has this week paid the long-deferred debt to nature. Madame Tussaud was born at Berne in Switzerland. She went to Paris rs

at the age of six yea ; studied modelling under her uncle, U. Curtin; artiste to Louis the Sixteenth ; and in her turn had the honour of instruct- ing Madame Elizabeth in her art. She passed unharmed through the hor- rors of the Revolution, perhaps by reason of her peculiar ability as a model- ler; for she was employed intake caste of the heads of most of the Revolu- tionary leaders. She came to England in 1802, and has from that time been occupied in gathering the popular collection in Baker Street. Madame TUB.. saud lived to the age of ninety years ; and she has left a large family of children and grandchildren, in this her adopted country.

Six Chartists, named William Gurney, Charles Young, Philip Martin, Henry Borgne, James Snowball, and Alfred Abel, have received a remission of sentences of imprisonment for five years passed on them in 180, and were liberated on Thursday, on giving bail to keep the peace.