20 APRIL 1850, Page 7


A letter from Stewartstown, in the.Banner of Mater, states that the Orange Institution of Stewartatown have, in consideration, of the pealing of the Party Processions Act,. destroyed in a publiebonfire all the banners and emblems of their institution, and agreed that the Orangemen of the district shall henceforth live in peace with their Roman Catholic coun- trymen. .

A recent number of the Leinster Evros reports proceedings before a jury empannelled to assess the value of work done under the Board of Works, which show reckless extravagance and suggest even peculation. The Board of Works claimed of the county 904/. for the building and repairs of six small bridges, . The Grand Jury resisted the claim, and a trial took place. The aunt awarded to the Board of Works was 5291.— ittle more than half their claim. • ,s