The Bombay mail arrived yesterday with advices to the 27th
of March. It is stated that " the whole of the Madras Presidency is bordering upon famine, the failure of the crops being more or less general through- out its extent." Bombay has subscribed 120,0001. and Calcutta, 160,0001. to supplement the efforts of the Government. Bad news comes from the Punjab. The Bengal Chamber of Commerce is bestirring itself to render the Bagdad-Constantinople telegraph line available for communications between England and India, and the Supreme Government has ordered an experiment to be made from Bombay. The Bengal marine is abolished ; and the Indian navy, says the Cal- cutta press, is to follow it. "The entire work of the Eastern seas will be taken up by the Royal Navy." The official journal of Madrid states that the Spanish "Government will accept the annexation of St. Domingo as soon as it has been con- firmed by a vote of the people;, and if no foreign Power protests against its incorporation with Spain."
The Paris papers of yesterday published a telegram from Constanti- nople, dated 18th inst., which asserts that the Porte has sanctioned the union of the Danubian Principalities under Prince Couza, and has demanded that the conference at Paris should take official notice of the fact. It is stated that no diplomatic representation has offered any opposition to this resolution of the Porte ; not even Baron Pro- kesch, the Austrian Intemuncio. A Paris letter-writer in the Inde-pendanee of Brussels mentions the expected arrival in the French capital of Count Andre Zamoyski, President of the Agricultural Society of Warsaw, and of Count Potocki. They will afterwards proceed to London, their object being to solicit the intervention of France and England in favour of Poland.