A very curious triangular duel is proceeding in East Wicklow.
Mr. Sweetman, who was, till a week or two ago, an Anti-Parnellite, has resigned, and is standing now as a Par- nellite. There is also standing a follower of Mr. McCarthy, Mr. O'Kelly, and a Unionist, Colonel Tottenham. As part of Bray, the Brighton of Dublin, is in the constituency, it is believed that Colonel Tottenham has a fair chance of carrying the seat. The only fear is that certain ill-judged Unionists may think that it is better to dismay the Government by a Parnellite victory. That is a very unwise and unpatriotic notion. The contest is apparently causing a good deal of excitement and amusement. A correspondent of the Pall Mall Gazette sends two or three excellent "Bulls that have been let loose on the constituency." " I never," said a local priest, " saw such a place as Ballymaloebeg for juvenile depravity. The very children who are not old enough to speak or to walk are running about the streets cursing and blaspheming like fiends."