19 APRIL 1945, Page 14


SIR,—Sir Francis Wylie has done good service in disposing—it is to be hoped for good and all—of the legend which has grown up round the number of scholarships under the Rhodes Trust given to the U.S.A. That part of Rhodes' dream is in a fair way to coming true. But what of the hope of a better understanding between England and Germany which prompted another part of his scheme? The Rhodes Trustees might well consider whether the purposes of the Trust might not be fur- thered by allotting scholarships to the Soviet Union. The German scholarships were, I think, transferred to the British Commonwealth; but the figures given by Sir Francis seem to imply an unexpended balance. Scholarships for young Russians would undoubtedly do much to promote that mutual understanding between Fr gland and Russia which is the in- dispensable condition of the lasting peace of the world.—Yours faithfully, Barcombe Heights, Paignton.