19 APRIL 1945, Page 21


for one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct solution of this week's crossword to be opened after noon on Tuesday week, May 1st. Envelopes should be received not later than first post that day and must bear the word "Crossword," the NUMBER of the puzzle and a 2.1d. stamp. Solutions must be on the form below, and none can be accepted from the U.S.A. The solution and the name of the winner will be published in the following issue.]


a. There's a great choice of clubs here. (4, 4.)

5. Hood on wheels. (6.)

g. Showing that jokes, like eggs, decline with advancing years. (8.)

so. " Nor all your piety nor wit Shall hire it back to - half a line." (Omar.) (6.)

II. " Eye, eye Sir," should be their watchword. (8.) 12. The best floor to get in on. (6.) 14. Upside down. (to.) a8. The material fact about it that it is binding. (4, 6.)

22. Scenes of low life at sea. (6.)

23. The manners of the haughty, per- haps. (8.) 24. Inspire affection, of a lobe. (6.) 25. Shot in the chest, so to speak. (8.)

26. Followed. (6.)

27. Standing room only, in the case of the conventional. (8.)


1. It didn't improve Goliath's sight. (6.)

2. London river nearly. (6.)

3. Go on coining china. (6.)

4. Not quite the regiment to raise in Clydesdale. (5, 5.) 6. Racy tail. (Anag.) (8.) 7. Arm. (8.)

8. A shy ido for one s free time. (8.) 13. Take in without deception. (to.) 15. To be confused about fish. (8.) t6. Doubly upset in secret writings. (8.) 17. Too ample shoulder-blade. (8.) 19. The one that is taken. (6.) so. A military nocturne, not very deep, though permanent. (6.) 21. The bird's victim is its own tail. (6.)