20 APRIL 1956, Page 34


SIR,—Mr. Robert Lindley (March 30) 195 every right to find against my Law and order; he has no right to misrepresent me. I have not achieved the 'notable fear (3` 'comparing Mr. Pritt, QC, with St. Teresa °', Lisieux.' I wrote: 'His hame is regarded by the African part of the population with the venenr tion accorded to the Little Flower in Inert Christian countries. . . .' The difference bc, tween the authorised version and the revised version by your reviewer will, I think, be obvious to all those whose literacy extends

words of more than two syllables. kith

I am, too, taken to task for dealing Iv, 'some of the evidence' in the Kenyatta trio'' and 'fortunately Mr. Montagu Slater /01,1i stalled' me. This suggests some mate.,04 discrepancies between my version and 641.' Slater's, though Mr. Lindley does not see lit cite them, Both versions are taken from lac official transcript and there is no evidence Ic my book which is not in Mr. Slater's, and 11,4 latter being a very much more detailed stud!' is, if anything, an even more emphatic ay demnation of the whole proceedings. It tha,Y' too, surprise Mr. Lindley to know that in i"e preparation of my version I was the beneficial) of some very useful advice from Mr. Slate' which I did not hesitate to accept as I have a profound respect both for his experience and for his abilities as a writer. Finally Mr. Lindley apparently does -Ot agree with me that all political trials alt distressing spectacles and that the differell.ce between a Western and Eastern political I1',3; is the difference between 'the bull ring and tI), abattoir.' I am adjured to 'consider the sueccsi in "the bull ring" of Kabaka Mutesa II Buganda.' I have considered it; perhaps Lindley would be so good as to remind We 't to when, in what court, and on what charg;{ this protected monarch was indicted, tried,T:, acquitted? In twenty-four lines Mr. On II would appear to have arrived at a fal,,„,r readily comparable with that of Mr. Thacn. in the Kenyatta trial itself.—Yours faith/a",


la Sandy Park Road, Liguanea, Kingston, Jamaica

[Mr. Lindley writes: 'By all means let 1,, sacred text be referred to; no reader of t„, review would, I think, suppose that to Teresa had been likened in all her aspect' Mr. Pritt, even by Mr. Evans. As to Mr, Slatti; I did not suggest that he disagreed with, ;jer Evans; merely that he had written a velo book—it would not be difficult. 1 agree the Kabaka never personally entered the .bboll ring; he benefited from the result of a d. I fight' in which his nominees were engagc do not think that the principle is altered.w. though I am tempted to conclude from 'to Evans's letter that he in his wisdom restriets„., word "trial" to "criminal proceedings' Editor, Spectator.]