J10 UR.NAL In oar mo ctern Usages we still pay Heed to the. Christian Easter. What could be more liKe to recallto a 'Man the, Harrowing cl Hell than, to plume Ltto the Tragic, eTsults that yearly 6011-11-ed tlit itireir02 0115 to tile, Coast ?It is , Itowev-er , less apt to cling to
theOld Re1igioa,d-rou9k eke Symbol cit E 99 . Wheat
each. 11. VW Chi 2,0211. is Eke, to 17a/come. a Burden tGroakis Iia and lite, State, artaity cannot L,Q. cownted, a filessim. I sug st tiltat we, stn-ct eitt Easter Pill to remind, our treigh_hour of kis Dirty to be Sterile:We might also €.2calooso tile, lascivious Easter aabbit or tite Lemming. 1Vrettisiiçj be, e,:tcawragedi to concltule titeir. rush o tke gea in the Manner at titat wise, llocient
&IA solve,lihe, Problem ci Over-Toyulatiort at a hiasli. Lean.ttel GtoLtiver,