3 ,Ir; Thank you and Bless you for your ' T ont-page leader
'Established, ecumenical, evangelical' (April 6). This has long needed saying, and many of Us for some years have been saying the same, but out voices have been ro.wned by the deliberate policy of with it' bishops and administrators. Some have been greatly pressurised and penalised because we have had What we consider the duty and courage to speak out. It has been an almost unbearable sadness for us to see the church we have loved and served, often sacnficially, disintegrate and decline in ,IdLeals, standards, and respect during we Post-war period. Most to blame, in my mind, are ulshops who are so anxious to bend over backwards to seem 'mod' that all c'n,e needs is a small stick to play hoop w,ith them; and the cell-system of le.rgY who, politically motivated, have inftltrated into key positions and the °c.casional bishopric, and gradually ,el!minated people of more orthodox raith and unattached political per' suasion.
But there is one other serious Problem you do not mention, and that
gently needs exposire — the incidence of homosexuality among niernbers of the clergy and the occasional bishop. It is significant that s,nrnetimes an inner circle of men may 'e formed, and preferment given, for nn reason that is apparent except a Possible special relationship. More power to your pen, and again rrlY very real thanks.
Name and address withheld