The Lyceum has been opened this week for performances of
what is by courtesy called "English opera," got up by Mr. Allcroft. Auber's Fra Diavolo, with the help of Mr. and Mrs. Sims Reeves and Mr. Weiss, a very fair orchestra, and a tolerable chorus, was an agreeable entertain- ment. Reeves sang brilliantly, and was much applauded of course ; but we regretted to observe that the affectation and mannerisms, which we have so often been compelled to notice, were as apparent as ever. Pity that a singer of so much talent should thus corrupt and vulgarize his style. The Beggar's Opera followed ; but in this really English opera none of the principals condescended to appear, the orchestra were reduced to some half-dozen violins and basses, and the performance was in all re- spects wretched.