20 AUGUST 1853, Page 21


Tuesday, August 16. PARTNE:RSHIPS DissOLvEn.-Lucas and Stevens, Stroud, cheese-factors-Newton and Higgins. Manchester, velvet-finishers-Gay and Co. Kirkstall, mustard-manu- facturers-White and Gibson, Swan Yard, Bishopsgate Street, manufacturers of patent tube tugs for harness-Wilson and Atkinson, Chorley, cottou-manufacturers -E. and W. Evans, Ross, farmers-W. IL and E. Peace, Sheffield, file-manufac- turera-Fulton and Co. Manchester, porter-dealers-Fox and Co. Ramsay Street, Bethnal Green, makers of inks- Coleliourn and Gent. Liverpool, confectioners-Phil- lips and Warburg, Water Lane, Tower Street, merchants-J. A. and F. L. Moore, Cannon Street West, wine-merchants-Stafford and Co. Watling Street, lace-ware- housemen-Frend and Son, Canterbury, wine-merchants-Henderson and Co. Cal- cutta-Eastwood and Kennon, Great Bolton, tanners-Collins and Bryan, Hunger- ford Market Wharf, coal-merchants-Stevens and Co. Bristol. paper-dealers-Bell and Nixon, Nottingham, iron-merchants-W. and R. Timms, Grandborough, War- wickshire, farmers-F. and E. Sabel, Broad Street Buildings, general agents- Turner andCo. Rochdale, cotton-spinners-Hammond and Fajen, Hull, commission- agents-Morritt and Walker, Pontefract, corn-millers-M`Turk and Co. Hull, wool- len-merchants-Morse and Cairns, Newport, Monmouthshire, bonded-store-keepers -Davenport, Brothers, Liverpool, tea-merchants-Cund and Masefield, Wolver- hampton, coach-builders-Christie and Alexander, Edinburgh, black-cloth-mer- chants; as far as regards L.,S. Christie-Aberdeen Steam Navigation Company ; as far as regards D. Hay.

Baintanyreg Amomr.r.D.-SaamEr. CLARK, Exeter, toyman. Basisaurrs.-Jonx Cotturr JACKSON, Union Court, Old Broad Street, merchant, to surrender Aug. 26, Sept. 23 : solicitor, Moss, Graceehureh Street; official assignee, Whitmore, Basin,ghall Street-FILEDERICK WILLIAM STRICKLAND, Kensington Cres- cent, wine-merchant, Aug. 27, Sept. 23 : solicitor, Sydney, Finsbury Circus; official assignee, Cannan,Aldermanbury-Witmui Saurn, High Street, Shadwell, victualler, Sppt. 1, 23; solititors, Child and Son, Cannon Street; official assignee, Whit- More, Basinghall Street-Wm/am Burrosi, Islingthn, victualler, Aug. 26, Sept. 23: solicitor, Jewitt, Limn Street ; Levy, Arundel Street ; official assignee, Cannan, Alder- manbury-Ronzwr LEE, Grantham, draper, Aug. 26, Sept. 23: solicitors, Mardon and Prichard, London; Barlow and Sons, Birmingham; Wadsworth, Nottingham ; official assignee, Harris. Nottingham-Jomv Witmaais, Lower Wookey Mills, Somersetshire, paper-maker, Aug. 29, Sept. 28: solicitors, Bevan and Girling, Bris- tol; official assignee, Hutton, Bristol-Joan Commit, Tiverton, grocer, Aug. 25, Sept. 22: solicitor, Dunsford, Tiverton; Turner, Exeter; official assignee, Hems- man, Exeter-WI/tun LAYCOCH, Bradford, Yorkshire, innkeeper, Aug. 30, Sept. 30: solicitors, Terry and Watson, Bradford ; Bond and Barwick, Leeds ; official assignee, Hope, Leeds-JOHN TATE, Darlington, iron-merchant, Aug. 26, Sept. 30: solicitors, Williamson and Co. Great -James Street, Bedford Row ; Preston, Leeds; Ingledew and Daggett, Newcastle-upon-Tyne ; official assignee, Wakley, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. CERTIFICATEEL-To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of tnecting.-Sept. 8, Twyman, Ramsgate, upholsterer-Sept. 8, Cape!, Witham, Essex, druggist-Sept. 8, Wallace, Calcutta, tailor-Sept. 7, Watson, King's Lynn, mer- chant-Sept. 7, Prior, Edward's Place, Hackney Road, and Atkinson, Wood Street, warehousemen-Sept. 6, Godsell, Wotton-under-Edge, Gloucestershire, tailor- Sept.

8 , AshmanTeeth; , Tee currier-Sept. 8, Julien, Exeter, coal-dealer-Sept. 8, Upward, Lyme Regis, draper---Sept. 8, Foster, Paignton, Devonshire, linen-draper-Sept. 7, Abbott, Manchester, grocer-Sept. 8, Knight, Rochdale, bleacher.

DECLARATIONS OP DIVIDENDS.-Smith, South Shields, linen-draper; first div. of 8.5. any Saturday after Oct. 1; Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne-Carrington, Mile-end, Stockport, nurseryman; second div. of 5e. 10d. Oct. 11, and every subsequent Tues- day; 'Lee, Manchester-Love and Keys, Liverpool, looking,-glass-manufacturers; first div. of 6a. Oct. 3, or any subsequent Monday; Bird, Liverpool-Cox, Liverpool, provision-merchant; first div. of Is. 10d. Oct. 3, or any subsequent Monday; Bird, Liverpool-Size, Liverpool, bookkeeper; first div. of 5s. Oct. 3, or any subsequent Monday; Bird, Liverpool- Power, Liverpool, merchant ; first div. of 20s. Oct. 3, or any subsequent Monday ; Bird, Liverpool-S. and J. Knight, Mold, bankers; fifth div. of Id. Oct. 3, or any subsequent Monday ; Bird, Liverpool-Brock, Kingston- upon-Hull, coal-merchant ; first and final div. of 78. 8d. Oct. 4, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Carrick, Hull.

SCOTCH SEQUE5TRATION.-Henry, Dundee, boot-maker, Aug. 27.

.Friday, Aug. 19. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED.-Firth and Co. Marsden, Yorkshire, silk-spinners- Richards and Co. Aberdeen, linen-manufacturers; as for as reards J. T. Leader and L. Holland-Hardick and Son, Warminster, Wiltshire, builders-Clegg and Hor- rocks, Liverpool, victuallers-Champ and Applebee, London Wall, eating-house- keepers-Hodgson and Thompson, Rawtenstall, Lancashire, tailors-Davies and Co. St. Helen's, Lancashire, locomotive-grease-manufacturers-Visger and Co. Bristol, merchants; as far as regards R. Miller-Muschamp and Co. Barnscray. Kent, India- rubber-manufacturers ; as far as regards J. J. Newnam and H. E. Bowra-John- son and Son, Bow, plumbers-Halliwell and Co. Rochdale, rag-dealers-Rowbotham and Co. Gee Cross, Cheshire, patent-cork-hat manufacturers-Weir and Co.

Swansea, oil-merchants-F. and R. Buckley, Saddleworth, cotton-spinners-Mitchell and Co. Bradford, worsted-spinners-George and Co. Basinghall St. accountants- Eversfield and Co. St. Leonard's, proprietors of Everstield Waterworks-The London, Leith, Edinburgh, and Glasgow Shipping Company, Leith; the Edinburgh and Leith Glass Company, and the Alliance Insurance Company ; as far as regards C. Maule.

BARKRcpTS.-Wits.vat HENRY DER, Cambridge, plumber, to surrender Sept. 5, 27: solicitor, Coles, Adelphi Terrace ; official assignee, Edwards, Sambrook Court -Rom= Sams, Mortlake, builder, Aug. 31, Sept. 28: solicitors, Ashurat and Son, Old Jewry; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street-WILLIAM HARGROVE, Bir- mingham, brass-founder, Sept. 3,24: solicitor, Southall, Birmingham; official as- signee, Bittleston, Birmingham-Jolts BRADBURY, Moody Road. Worcestershire, dealer in copper ores, Aug. 30, Sept. 29: solicitor, Smith, Birmingham; official as- signee, Bittleston, Birmingham-Louts Pousrr jun. Manchester, packer, Aug. 30, Sept. 20: solicitor, Thomas, Manchester; official assignee, Lee, Manchester-Jong Roaratninew, Church, Lancashire, iron-founder, Aug. 30, Sept. 20: solicitor, Ri- chardson, Bolton; official assignee, Lee, Manchester. Divinsiens.Sept. 10, Vevern and Co. Church Lane, Whitechapel, grocers-Sept. 9, Belem, Church Lane, Whitechapel, grocer -Sept . 12, .Walton, Northallerton, Scrivener. CERTISICATES.-lb be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.-Sept. 10, Nash, Lewisham, draper-Sept. 10, Cbivers, Pavement, Moor- fields, victualler-Sept. 9, Blakely, Conduit Street, linen-draper-Sept 9, Down, Taunton, grocer-Sept. 9, Blakely, Norwich, shawl-manufacturer-Sept- 13, Scott, Percival Street, Clerkenwell, clock-maker-Sept. 13, Tapley, Liverpool, stone-mason.

Scarcu Sanosarttagmet.-Cameron, Perth, agent, Aug. 31.