(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.) Mexican 8p.0!.
Mississippi 6 - New York 6 - Peruvian 41 - Portuguese I - Ditto. 3 - Russian 6 - Ditto 44 - Sardinian 3 - 3 - tre/lew Deferred 3 - Ditto (Passive) Venesuela 31 - SHARES.
(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.) Rai/MATS-
Bristol and Exeter Caledonian Edinburgh and Glasgow Eastern Counties Great Northern Great South. and West. Ireland Great Western Hull and Selby ' Lancashire and Yorkshire Lancaster and Carlisle London, Brighton, & South Coast London and Blackwell London and North-western Midland
Midland Great Western (Ireland)
North British Oxford, War. and Wolverhampton Scottish Central South-eastern and Dover South-western York, Newcastle, and Berwick
York and North Midland ...... Docks-
East and West India London St. Katherine
BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.) &turd. ilfatiday. Diewlay. Wanes.
3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account per Cents Reduced 11,per Cents Long Annuities Bank Stock,8 per Cent India Stock, 101 per Cent Exchequer Bills, id per diem India Bonds 21 per Cent 981 971 971 971 981 98 971 971 971 981 181 981 981 981 98 1011 1011 101 1011 101 — — 61 6 5 2271 2281 228/ 2271 228 257 259 2271 1571 157 3 dis. par par par 3 Ms.
22 pm. 15 11 --
101 991 2181 2 dia. 18 Austrian 5 p. Ct Belgian 41 Ditto 21 -
Bmailitui a -
Buenos Ayres 6 - Chilian 6 - Dantsh 0 - Ditto 3 Dutch (Ex. 12 (iuilders) -21 - Ditto 4 - French 3 - Ditto 41 Massachusetts (Sterling) 5 - 1021 65 107 108 81/ 65 991 8 1 290.
103 Australasian 671 British North American 721 Colonial 13 Commercial ef London Si London and Westminster
1131 London Chtu-td. link. of Australia
89 London Joint Stock National of Ireland 76 National Provincial 105 Provincial of Ireland 103 Union of Australia 54 Union of London
1121 ex d. Minis-
711 Brasillan Imperial Ditto (St. John del Rey) 321 Cobre Copper 611 Colonial Gold Nouveau Monde 711 wee- 861 ex d. Australian Agricultural 69 Canada 691 Crystal Palace General Steam Peel River Land and Mineral 1231 Peninsular and Oriental Steam 100 Royal Mail Steam South Australian
93 ex d.
841 37 1181 1011 97 471 231 811 61/
26 51 60 72 cad.
191 41 321
844 71 exit.;
61 311 6 721 37
BANK OF ENGLAND. An Account, pursuant to the Ac 7th and 8 h Victoria, cap az, for the week ending on Saturday, the lath day of August 1853. liars DISPANTICENS.
Notes issued £30,963,240 Government Debt £11.015,100 Other Securities 2,581.1100 Gold Coin and Bullion 16,944,006 Silver Bullion 19,156 £30,963,21/
Proprietors' Capital .614,553.000 Rest 3,334.226 Government Securities (In- cluding Dead WeightAnnuityl £13,017,582 Other Securities 13,611,721 Public Deposits* 3,315,392 Notes 7,863,826 Other Deposits 12,190,020 Gold and Silver Coln 346,334
Seven Day and other Baia 1,446,221
£34,818,802 £21,840,863 • Including Exchequer, Savings-Banks,Commisaloners ofNational Debt, & Dividend Accts, BULLION. Fey os. METALS. Per ton.
Foreign Gold in Bare, Standard ....ES 17 9 Copper, British CakeaL107 10 0.. 0 0 0
Foreign Gold in Coin,Portugal Pieces 0 0 0 Iron, Welsh Bars 8 10 0 .. 9 0 0 New Dollars 0 5 01 Lead, British Pig 22 0 0 .. 0 0 0 Silver in Bars,titandard 0 5 1/ Steel.Swedish Keg... 18 10 0 .. 0 0 0 GRAIN, Mark Lane, Aug. 19.
Wheat,E.New 460048 Fine 49-51 Old 44-18 White 60-51 Fine 02-15 Super. New. 61-58 Rye 320034 Barley 24-28 Malting 12-Si Malt, Ord 58-62 Fine 62-84
Peas, Hog 28-38 Maple 40 to 42 White 40-41
Boilers 42-44 Beans, Ticks 36-38 Old 18-46 Indian Corn 0- 0 Oats, Peed.. 18 to 19 Fine .. 19-25 Poland ... 21-23 Fine .. 22-23 Potato..,, 24-29 Fine 26-27 AVERAGE PRICES OF COWL WEEKLY AVERAGE.
Per Qr. (Imperial) of England and Wales. For the Week ending August 13. Wheat.... 51s. 6d. I Rye 35s. 9d. Wheat .... 53.. 34. 'Rye 24,. 94. Barley.... 29 6 Beaus 40 8 Barley 30 0 Beans II 5 Oats 21 8 Peas 96 7 Oats 22 3 Peas 36 9 PROVISIONS.
Butter--Best Fresh, 12s. Od. per doz. Carlow, 41. lls. to 41. lbs. per cwt.
Bacon, Irish per cwt. 68s. to 70s.
Cheese, Cheshire 68 - 84 Derby Plain 64 68
Hams, York 74 - 99 Eggs, French, per 120,4.6d. to 7s. U.
Kent Pockets I20s. to 130s. Down and half.bred Hogs per lb. 164.00 17d.
Farnham ditto o 0 Skin Combing 13 - 141
Choice ditto 134 - 180 Wether and Ewe 14 - 15 ' Sussex ditto 112 -124 Leicester Hogget and Wether.... 13 -13 HOPS. WOOL.
HAY AND STRAW. (Par Load of 36 Trusses.)
Cossaaawan. Smettrraw, Wnrraesursa.
100.. to 158.. Ws. to 100. 95s. to 109 . Hay, Good 70 - 90 80 - 85 0 - 0 Inferior 45 -80 60 -80 60 -90 New 120 -130 105 -120 110 -120 Clover 35 -15 33 -38 25 -55 Wheat Straw GROCERIES.
tea, Soncliong, fine, per lb. le. 04.00 hOd. °engem, lbw I 44- 1 0
Pekoe, flowery I 4 - 4 0
• In Bond-Duty 1 108. per lb. Coffee, Lne (in bond) per cwt. Mk. to 91s. 0 Good Ordinary 465. - 48.. 0 .
Sugar, Muscovado, per cwt 25, 211. West India Molasses 0,02, to Os. 0
NEWOASS AND LIADIINNALL.• SMITHFIELD: RZAD Or CAM. Alf 5. d. i. d. s. d. s. d. a.
Beef .. 3000381042 2 8 W 4 Mutton. 3 8 - 4 2 - 4 6 4 4 - 4 1
Veal .. 3 0 - 4 0 - 4 6 .... 3 0-4 Pork 3 4-4 0 - 4 8 86-4 Lamb.. 4 - 6 0 - 5 4 .... 5 0 - 6
• To sink the offal, per 8 lb. Sarranazo.
to 4 6 Friday. Monday.
-5 2 Beasts. 883 5.021 - 4 10 Sheep .11,110 22.210 - 4 4 Calves. 607 355 - 910 Figs... 316 WO , £20,063,210
Town-made per sack 50s. to 53s.
Seconds 47 - 50 Essex and Suffolk, on board ship 44 - 47 Norfolk and Stockton 40 - 44
American per barrel 0 - 0
Canadian 0 - 0 Bread, 714. to 81d. the 41b. loaf.
OLLS. COALS, CANDLES. Rape Oil per cwt.. £1 18 Refined 2 0 Linseed011 1 10 Linseed Oil-Cake per 1000 12 0 Candles, per dozen, Os. Od. Moulds Mil per doz.diseount) Os. Od.
Coals, Iletton 20s. Od.
Tees... , 10.„ Od.