srocx Excuasecie, FRIDAY AFTERNOON .
The announcement of the New Indian and Russian Loans caused a slight depression in Consols in the early part of the week ; but the renewal of daily purchases by the Government Broker on behalf of the Savings Banks, coupled with a scarcity of stock, checked the decline, and imparted strength to the market, and prices are now equal to the highest quotations of last week. Money has again become very abundant at about 1 11 per cent on Government Securities. Speculative transactions have taken place in the New Indian Loan, in anticipation of the allotments, at 98 981. The French Amnesty, although favourably received as indicative of internal security, and as but the commencement of still further liberal measures gradually to be introduced, did not have any important effect on the Paris Bourse : the latest price in French Rentes is 69 10. The market is exceedingly quiet t'xiah and Cameo's close for money 951 931, and for the September Account,
931 93k; Bank Stock, 2; India Debentures (1858), 941 95; Ditto (1859)-, 9.5 95k; Reduced and New Three per Cents, 96 96/.
There have been but few operations of any significance in the Foreign Stock Market for sonic days, and prices are for the most part merely nomi- nal. Mexican is now / per cent higher, but the stock has not been dealt in to any great extent. Turkish Six per Cents are quoted 831 84 for the Old, and /34 741 for the New, showing a rise of about 1 per cent. Sanlinian, 8587; Russian, 98 100; Victor Emmanuel, 90 92; .Austrian, 5 di.s.-par. ; Mexican, 201 20k; Peruvian Four-and-a-half per Cents arc 1 per cent higher, 93 94; Ditto Three per Cents, 72 74; Ditto Dollar Bond, 78 80 ; Ditto Uribarren, 79 81; Buenos Ayres, 7173; Buenos Ayres Three per Cents, 18 19; Venezuela Three per Cents, 28 28/ ; Grenada Active, 17 18; Ditto Deferred, 5 54; Chilian but per Cents, 102 104; Ditto Four-and-a- Half per Cents, 87 89 ; Ditto Three per Cents, 71 73; Spanish Three per Cents, 441 451; Spanish Deferred, 321 33; Portuguese, 45 46. The New Russian Loan counnands a premium of 1 per cent, but the business doing in it is extremely limited pending the issue. The general dealings in the English Railway Share Market have been trifling, but the tone has gradually improved on steady investments, par- ticularly- in Midland South-Eastern and some of the favourite stocks : the former is quoted 1051 1054, and the latter, 221 1 shares ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 951 95%; London and North-Western, 94; 941; London and South-Western, 91-911 ; Great Western, 59 595; York and North Midland, 711 72; Berwick, 89 89%; Great Northern, 101 102; Caledonian, 41/ 411 shares; London and Brighton, 1084 1091 ex. div. ; Eastern Counties, 57 574; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincoln, 351 36.
The settlement passed off on Tuesday without any difficulty ; the next is fixed for the 30th and 31st. The French Market is flat, but has not sus- tained any material alteration—Northern of France, 36/ 37; Paris and Lyons, 341 341; Paris and Strasbourg, 25 26 ; Luxembourg, 6/ 64; Lom- bardo Venetian Old, 21 21, prem. ; Ditto New, 2/ 21 prem. The Indian Market is steady and pricea about the same as last week—Madras, 94 95 ; Great Indian Peninsula, 97 98; East Indian, 99 100.